
First level professional higher education study program

Fill an on-line Application Form
Qualification awarded: Programmer
Duration: 2 years (E-studies 2,3 years)
Study language: English
Internship: International ICT companies Accenture Latvia, KleinTech Software, Scandiweb, Visma Enterprise, TestDevLab etc.


Within the framework of the study program “Programmer” professional specialists are prepared for starting independent work in the field of informatics with knowledge in computer system architecture, software engineering, system analysis, basic technologies of databases and artificial intelligence as well as specialists capable of demonstrating systematic thinking and systems approach in development project of a software, performing different roles and complying with the professional standards and professional ethics of an IT programming engineer. The program prepares students to conduct scientific research based on experimentation, modeling and simulation, as well as prepares them to continue their studies at the Professional Bachelor's level.

The content of the study program “Programmer” has been developed according to the following standards:

  • ACM (Association of Computing Machinery standards, i.e. Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Computer Science);
  • CDIO Standard 2.0 (Conceiving, Designing, Implementing, Operating) the framework of innovative education, training engineers of the next generation, i.e. from product preliminary design, design, implementation to operation;
  • professional standard for software engineers.

Advantages of the study program are flexible study process, module learning principle, 1:3 ratio of lectures and practice (on average), remote access to study materials, transfer of knowledge of guest lecturers and practitioners, exchange study programs in other European engineering universities, studies at the Information and Communication Technology Laboratory (ICTL), where various study courses are implemented for current and future students, for example, “Machine Learning and Intelligent Analytics”, “Design Thinking in the IT Industry”, “Internet of Things”, “Green IT Systems and Methods” , “Building Software for Modeling and Simulation” and “Robotics”.

The study program is accredited until September 13, 2029.

After successful completion of the first level professional higher education program (college) “Programmer” you can continue your studies in the Professional Bachelor's study program “Computer Systems” starting from the 3rd study year.

Lectures in full time studies are held on weekdays and part time studies distance learning
120 ECTS
Study location:
Riga on-site, online

Career opportunities

  • Programmer;
  • Work in multinational ICT companies.

Program content

Official content of the study program is available HERE.

Study year 1

During the first study year you will get an insight about information technologies, good knowledge of mathematical logic, as well as software development basics in Java programming language. You will advance your theoretical and practical understanding of computer architecture, computer hardware and computer systems. Moreover, you will upgrade your English, including linear algebra and analytic geometry. Starting with the second study semester, you will learn object-oriented programming, automatic testing and quality of software, algorithms, data structures and their complexity, you will continue to master the basics of software development, and finish the study year by summarizing your knowledge in a course paper.

Study year 2

During your second year of studies you will continue to expand your knowledge of software development in the C# programming language and Python programming language. Increase your horizons in labor law, database management systems and business. In cooperation with “Accenture Latvia” you will learn the basics of seamless application integration. Towards the end of the study year, you will have the opportunity to complete pre-qualification internship at internationally renowned ICT companies. The acquired knowledge will provide practical experience in IT, which will allow you to complete your studies with a well-designed qualification paper.

The content of the study program may be updated and altered during the studies, based on the requirements of the labor market and the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Admission requirements

In order to start studies in a college study program, the applicant must have completed secondary education and provide one of the English language certificates mentioned within the Admission information. If the applicant does not have any of the respective English language certificates, however the medium of instruction of his/her secondary education was English, he/she will receive a link to Turība University on-line English test after the registration. Additionally, the applicant is requested to pass a Math test given by Turība University.

Information on the admission process and rules can be found in the section “Admission”.

Leading teaching staff

Pēteris Arājs


Study Courses in Riga
  • Enterprise Continuous Application Software Integration
Antons Kolodinskis


Consultations are by individual appointment

Study Courses in Riga
  • Software Development Fundamentals 2, Java
  • Software Development Fundamentals 3, C#
  • Software Development Fundamentals 5, JavaScript
  • Internet of Things
  • Robotics
E-studiju kursi
  • Software Development Fundamentals 2, Java
  • Software Development Fundamentals 3, C#

Director of the study program, dean

Ph.D,, Mg.oec. Jānis Pekša

Phone: +371 28610710


Consultation hours:

Upon prior agreement

If you have any questions, be sure to write to us
We will contact you very soon!
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