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Application for study places and scholarships in the ERASMUS+ programme until October 15
The competition is announced for 30 study places and scholarships under the ERASMUS+ in the 2nd semester of the study year 2020/2021.
Students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd study years of the professional bachelor’s study programme, students of the 1st year of professional master’s programmes and students of the 1st and 2nd study year of the doctoral study programmes are eligible to participate in the competition providing that:
- their participation in the LLP/Erasmus or Erasmus+ mobility programme does not exceed 9 months;
- they have no academic debts for the previous study period;
- they have no outstanding financial obligations due towards the university;
- average mark not less than 7.
The evaluation criteria for the competition shall be as follows:
- average mark of the student during the previous study period (for master students - from Bachelor diploma);
- foreign language mark of the student;
- additional criteria for students of the Faculty of International Tourism are published in BATIS and posted on the faculty information board.
The study places shall be divided among the faculties and departments as follows:
- Faculty of International Tourism - 9 places;
- Faculty of Communication - 5 places;
- Faculty of Law - 2 places;
- Information Technology department - 1 place.
- Faculty of Business Administration - 11 places.
The deadline for application for the competition is October 15, 2020. Students, who wish to apply for study places and scholarships under the ERASMUS+ study programme shall submit their applications to the International relations department by e-mail exchange@turiba.lv
The results of the competition will be announced on October 16, 2020 on the web page of the university www.turiba.lv.