
Apply for participation in Rimi Riga Marathon and be a part of team „Turiba TURBO”!

Turiba TURBO” will take part in Rimi Riga Marathon by starting at the mini marathon distance (6 km), but if you feel strong enough to run 10 km distance, you can defend the honour of the team „Turiba TURBO” there as well. This year the marathon will be held on May 17th .

Be active and take part in the marathon together with your course mates! It could become a tradition for you.

All members of the team will have uniform clothing, which will be provided by the university.

REGISTRATION until 24th of February, registration after February 24th until March 31st for higher prices.

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Participation fee:
  • EUR 15.00 (mini marathon distance 6 km)
  • EUR 21.00 (10 km distance for strong ones)
Participation fee after February 24th:
  • EUR 18.00 (mini marathon distance 6 km)
  • EUR 25.00 (10 km distance for strong ones)
Registration information: Please, fill the application form below. You will receive confirmation that registration was successful.

If you register before February 24th, participation fee has to be paid by bank transfer until February 24th .

If you register after February 24th, participation fee has to be paid by bank transfer until March 31st .

When making the transfer in payment details section you need to put down the following: DALĪBAS MAKSA RIMI RĪGAS MARATONĀ 2020.

Account information:

SIA “Biznesa augstskola Turība”
Reg. No. 40003135880

AS "Citadele banka”
Multi account: LV83PARX0000401850002

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Participants of team „Turiba TURBO” will be registered in the system of Rimi Riga Marathon will be registered after receiving all applications and payments from the aplicants.

Fill application form here.

More information about the marathon

If you have any questions about participation, contact Emils Bauga by writing an e-mail to or by calling 67606102.

See you at the marathon!

If you have any questions, be sure to write to us
We will contact you very soon!
Thank you, your application has been sent successfully!