
NordTourNet-3 project partners’ meeting in Sweden

Representatives of Turiba University participated in the second face-to-face partner meeting of NordTourNet-3 project held in Lund Science and Technology Centre, Sweden from 10 to 12 April 2022. The meeting was organized by the Swedish project partner – the social enterprise Mobilizing Expertise.

The aim of the project is to research communication problems and differences that may arise among the employees of tourism organisations as well as between the employees and clients belonging to different generations active in the labour market (Baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z) and create a game to enhance the development of interpersonal communication skills and problem solving skills of tourism employees, as well as design teaching materials for adult educators.

At the seminar Turiba University was represented by the Head of the Language Department, Professor Ineta Luka, lecturer of the Language Department Sundars Vaidesvarans as well as an expert in the field of tourism, the Dean of the Faculty of International Tourism, Associate Professor Ēriks Lingebērziņš.

Tourism experts invited to the seminar from all three partner countries - Lithuania, Latvia and Sweden - evaluated one of the results of the project - a problem-solving game designed for enhancing tourism students and employees’ competences.
More information on the project is available on:
- The Project webpage:
- The Project Facebook page:

The Project has been implemented with the support of NORDPLUS Adult education program. The Project number: NPAD-2020/10015

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