
Open door days at Student Council

At the beginning of the new academic year, the Students' Council also welcomes new members with their ideas and contribution to joint activities. Although the doors of the Student Council are open to everyone every day of the school year, this event, which will last from October 11-14, is a great way to get to know the activities of the Student Council, meet other active students and have fun.

Open days are an annual event that allows you to get to know the Council better. This year, the Student Council invites students to get involved in activities, learn about upcoming events, play games, enjoy home made pastries and other delicacies, participate in cognitive competitions with opportunities to win prizes and have fun with friends.

It's all from 11-14. October, every day from 12PM to 13PM (on the second floor of C corpuss, in the Student Council office (C222) and Open corner)

Attendance at the event will be possible on presentation of an identity document together with a valid Covid - 19 certificate or a negative test result.

More information in Student Councils’ Facebook page, where you can follow other similar events -
Also Student Council webpage –

We inform you that in the event photographs will be taken. Later photos may be used in social networks.

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