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Turiba to improve student digital competences

Information technology competences are rapidly becoming a necessity for all industries and professions. In order to increase the competitiveness of graduates in the labour market and their contribution in companies where they are employed, Turiba University in cooperation with the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LBTU) (formerly Latvia University of Agricultural) and six other partners shall by the end of 2023 jointly implement a large-scale project to strengthen student digital competencies.
The aim of the project “Digitalization Initiatives for Improving the Quality of Studies in the field of Strategic Specialization of Higher Education Institutions” (No. is to strengthen digital capacity and introduce digital initiatives in Latvian higher education institutions, integrating technological solutions into the content and process of study courses. The project consortium involves six Latvian higher education institutions, where the aforementioned activities will be implemented, and two merchant organisations. The leading partner of the consortium is LBTU, which has united the seven other partners: Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Daugavpils University, University of Latvia, Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, Turiba University, SIA “WeAreDots” and SIA “Baltijas Datoru Akademija”. The LBTU agency Malnava College is also involved in several project.
“Acquisition of digital solutions at the university is an important process not only for future specialists in computer management and programming, but also in all our life science, engineering and social science study programs. An agronomist and forester, as well as an economist, veterinarian and landscape architect must be digitally educated. Therefore, in the coming year, we will significantly improve study content and include enhanced learning of information and communication technologies, specifically adapting it to the needs of each study course,” says LBTU rector Irina Pilvere.
Over the years, universities involved in the project have invested significant resources in raising the qualifications of teaching staff, improving the content of study programs to meet the needs of the labour market, as well as in creating a coherent system for the assessment of the quality of studies.
All activities within the framework of this new digitalization project are student oriented and aimed at improving their digital competences. In addition, the capacity of partners in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning will be strengthened, a unified digital competence evaluation system will be developed and implemented and a unified digital solution will be created to ensure the examination process. Turiba University will participate in the development of several joint courses with partners, as well as create digital courses for the e-study environment. Courses such as “Digital Marketing”, “Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in Business Management” and “User Interface and Experience” will be developed and will be available to students from autumn 2023.
The European Social Fund project “Digitalization Initiatives for Improving the Quality of Studies in the field of Strategic Specialization of Higher Education Institutions “(No. has been allocated REACT-EU funding foreseen for mitigating the consequences of the pandemic crisis. The total cost of the project is 2 052 269.47 EUR. Its implementation started on November 1, 2022 and the project will end on December 31, 2023.