Journal “Acta Prosperitatis”
Journal description
ACTA PROSPERITATIS (ISSN 1691-6077) is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal that publishes high quality original research across the entire spectrum of the social sciences, it is indexed in EBSCO, ERIH PLUS databases. ACTA PROSPERITATIS will publish:
- Original communications (Research Papers) describing important new discoveries or further developments in important fields of investigation;
- Review Articles, mainly of new developing areas;
- Special, themed issues on relevant topics.
All papers should demonstrate a high level of novelty, originality and uniqueness.
Aims & Scope
ACTA PROSPERITATIS is an international journal, which publishes high quality, peer-reviewed research in all major disciplines, including economics, management, education, law, linguistics, political science, sociology, communication and so on.
ACTA PROSPERITATIS aims to present the new research results to both academia and the broader public alike. The journal seeks to appeal to an interdisciplinary audience and authorship, providing a dynamic platform for academic discussion.
From 2023, information about the journal and the articles published in it are available here.
Subject Areas:
- Business
- Communication
- Economics
- Education
- Geography
- History
- Law
- Linguistics
- Political science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Other related areas
Guidelines and ethics Manuscript requirements Submission and decision process
We cordially invite you and your colleagues to participate in journal ACTA Prosperitatis papers peer review process. Research scientists who are highly qualified in one or in more scientific area and have proven scientific publication record, are welcome to join the Editorial Board.
The journal publishes the results of original theoretical or applied research, case studies and brief scientific reports on tourism, communication, business, law and other matters of the field of social sciences.
We sincerely hope that you will accept our invitation to become a member of the editorial board of our journal.
We look forward to our future collaborations!
To join the editorial board, please fill in this ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM now. Thank you!