History of Scientific conferences



Organizer: Turība University, Faculty of Law

On March 25th, 2010 the Faculty of Law of Turība University with support of Swedbank youth program – OPEN organized a scientifically practical conference “Individual, society, country under today’s changing economic conditions”. The aim of the conference was to find answers to questions on how to return to the substance of public administration understanding and to find the balance between the individual, society and the interests of the state. The following readings were offered to the audience during the Plenary Session: “Socially responsible state under the changing socio-economic conditions”, President of the Constitutional Court Gunārs Kūtris; “Power and economy in the search of identity”, professor, Corresponding Member ofthe Latvian Academy of Sciences Dr. oec. Uldis Osis; “Private and public partnership in Poland”, professorLeon Kozminski, Doctor of Science Fryderyk Zoll(Poland); “State service to population”, Deputy Secretary of The Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government Artis Stucka. During the following round table discussion on public administration and business environment cooperation under the conditions of economic rigidity, opinion was also expressed by the Doctor of Legal Science, associate professor, Head of Business and Business Informatics Department of BA School of Business and Finance Jānis Grasis; president of the Latvian Law Society Aivars Borovkovs; sworn lawyer, partner of bureau “Liepa, Skopiņa, Borenius” Lauris Liepa. The plenary session and the discussion were chaired by Arvīds Dravnieks, Head of the Department of Good Administration of the Ombudsman's Office. After the plenary session, the work took place in five sections where the conference participants were able to listen to 39 presentations and participate in discussions on the subject of the conference.

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