Turība – place, where talented people gather
Turība University is the largest private university in the Baltics. Here, knowledge goes hand in hand with practical skills - a combination highly appreciated by employers. We inspire young people to be enterprising and implement their ideas, as well as encourage them to work not only in Latvia but also internationally. There is no limit to people who are motivated and rich in ideas!
The University implements more than 32 study programs, moreover, a part of them is also available in English. Young people from more than 40 countries around the world study here, at Turība University.
We have four faculties - Faculty of Business Administration, Faculty of Law, Faculty of International Tourism and Faculty of IT.
At Turība University, practical studies form 60% of the study time, while theory constitute 40% of the time spent on studies. The lecturers are professionals with extensive practical experience, so you can be sure that you will receive business-oriented education appropriate to the study field you have selected.
We implement nationally and internationally accredited education programs and conduct scientifically practical research in order to develop business competences of the community and promote regional development. The University has been granted indefinite accreditation.
An internationally recognized diploma, work experience during the studies, participation in various projects and conferences, internships abroad, support of the Business Incubator in the start-up of a business and helpful contacts – it all will convince you that almost everything is possible!
Turība University in u-Multirank
Turiba University (Biznesa augstskola Turiba) is one of 21 universities included in U-Multirank for Latvia.
See more about the evaluation here: https://www.umultirank.org/study-at/turiba-university-rankings/
Development Strategy of Turība University
Virtual 3D tour
Our vision
Turība University - a modern and internationally competitive
business education institution in the Baltic region, the ideological
driving force behind the development of entrepreneurship in Latvia.
Turība University - a modern and internationally competitive
business education institution in the Baltic region, the ideological
driving force behind the development of entrepreneurship in Latvia.

Our mission
To implement successful, sustainable business practices and
teach them to others, thereby strengthening the idea of socially
responsible entrepreneurship in Latvia and increasing public knowledge
and understanding of sustainable development, responsible
environmental attitudes, and their impact on the economy and society
in the future.
To implement successful, sustainable business practices and
teach them to others, thereby strengthening the idea of socially
responsible entrepreneurship in Latvia and increasing public knowledge
and understanding of sustainable development, responsible
environmental attitudes, and their impact on the economy and society
in the future.
Chairman of the Board of Turība University
"We are always ready for challenges"
Chairman of the Development Council of Turība University
“Everything good comes with time and hard work!”
Owner of Turība University
“I see Latvia as a place, where talented people gather!”
Rector of Turiba University, Professor