Biznesa augstskola Turība aktīvi piedalās dažādos izglītības un zinātnes sadarbības projektos, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Savienība un citas starptautiskās sadarbības programmas. Kā vadošais partneris esam sekmīgi īstenojuši starptautiska mēroga Erasmus+, JUSTICE, NORDPLUS un citu fondu atbalstītus projektus.
Nordplus augstākās izglītības programmas Intensīvais kurss „Mediācija civilās un krimināllietās”

Nordplus augstākās izglītības programmas Intensīvais kurss „Mediācija civilās un krimināllietās”
Intensīvā kursa realizācijas laiks: 2016. gada 18. līdz 29. jūlijs
2016. gada jūlijā Biznesa augstskolā Turība norisinājās NORDPLUS intensīvais kurss par mediāciju. Šo kursu realizēja Biznesa augstskola Turība (Latvija) sadarbībā ar Mykolas Romeris Universitāti (Lietuva), Tallinas Tehnisko universitāti (Igaunija) un Turku Ekonomikas un biznesa vadības skolu (Somija).
Tiesvedības laikā aizvien pieprasītāka kļūst mediācija, jo tiesneši iesaka pusēm pašām censties atrisināt strīdus savstarpēji pieņemamā veidā. Mediatori ir apguvuši prasmes veicināt pušu sarunas un virzīties uz risinājumu ārpustiesas kārtībā. Mediācijas popularitāte nozīmē arī to, ka sabiedrības locekļi ir paši gatavi uzņemties atbildību par savu jautājumu sakārtošanu, negaidot trešo personu, tai skaitā tiesas iejaukšanos. Mediācija ir gan tiesām un šķīrējtiesām alternatīvs domstarpību risināšanas veids, kas atslogo valsts tiesu noslodzi, gan arī metode, ar kuras palīdzību puses atrisina strīdus un pēc iespējas saglabā cieņpilnas savstarpējās attiecības.
Intensīvā kursa mērķi ir:
- Vienkopus pulcināt studentus un akadēmiskos spēkus no vairākām valstīm, lai izveidotu starptautisku tīklu ar speciālistiem, kurus interesē mediācijas iespējas un pielietošana;
- Sniegt studentiem iespēju mācīties multikultūrālā vidē, attīstot viņu komunikācijas spējas un prasmi strādāt komandā;
- Organizēt teorētiskās lekcijas, kā arī radošās nodarbības ar lomu spēlēm, un iespēju tikties ar profesionāliem mediatoriem.
Kursos piedalījās gan bakalaura studiju, gan maģistrantūras studenti no Latvijas, Lietuvas, Igaunijas un Somijas. Lekcijas, diskusijas, grupu darbu un lomu spēles vadīja pieredzējuši pasniedzēji un praktizējoši mediatori no visām dalībaugstskolām. Studenti devās studiju vizītē uz Latvijas Republikas Augstāko Tiesu un Saeimu. Nokārtojot noslēguma eksāmenu studenti par dalību kursā saņēma 3 ECTS.
Joona Salonen, maģistrantūras students no Turku School of Economics, Somija:
"In my opinion the course was very well organized. The lectures, excursions and other activities were well balanced and they formed a functioning entirety. The best thing about the course was that it combined different kind of people from all around the world and from various branches of science around this one topic. Thus the topic was covered from various perspectives. For me as a business student, there most likely won’t be a career as a mediator, but however I definitely will suggest mediation as the method when business arguments need to be solved. The cost-effectiveness and the fact that the counterparts are in full control of the process was eye-opening and these factors make mediation more often than not a very attractive option. On top of everything, as the course brought together people from various nationalities and everyone was energetic in their working, it gave me assurances that I want to work in a global environment with people from different backgrounds."
Baiba Veisa, Juridiskās fakultātes studente no Biznesa augstskolas Turība, Latvija:
„The Intensive course on Mediation was great opportunity to study in international environment among different students as well as to learn useful knowledge and skills that I'm able to use in my professional work already today. In course I got familiar with mediation process and learned practical skills to use them as fruitful tool in conflict management in everyday life. Mediation process is wide range dispute resolving tool that might be used in different areas - commercial environment, family or even sports world. By knowing the basic theory and structure we are able to find our own way of using the advantages of mediation in order to help our clients and build the world better. Thanks to respected professionals of the course! I was supported to improve my skills and learned additional knowledge about art of mediation!"
Pauliina Urmas-Antola, maģistrantūras studente no Turku School of Economics, Somija:
"The Nordplus Intensive Course was a great opportunity to meet students from other countries. All participants were motivated to study and so the lectures were interesting, innovating and very inspiring for me. I had some knowledge about the subject in advance and this course helped me to get deeper to the field of mediation in civil and criminal cases. I'm sure that I will have advantage about these studies later in my professional career! The very best part of the course were the teachers and the group itself. The course program was GREAT and volatile and all those places where we had the opportunity to visit were magnificent. It was once in a lifetime experience for me..."
Tarja Toikka, dizaina pētniece un Turku School of Economics vieslektore:
As a workshop facilitator and visiting teacher I could observe very inspiring atmosphere in the summer school. The teachers applied student centered pedagogy with strong participatory approach, such as role play. I proposed visualization exercises to be added into program, based on criminal cases that were studied. This proposition was accepted into program fluently and I felt welcome in teachers team. The students were engaged in the objectives of the course very holistic way, using embodied and emotional knowledge and practicing emotional self-regulation in safe contexts.
Role play, which was one of the participatory methods applied in the summer school, offered opportunity to experience feelings and emotions from different stakeholder perspectives. Both visualization exercises and role-play exercises had a common pedagogical goal, which was to help the students develop strategies for emotionally challenging human to human interaction that happens in mediation process.
In the visualization exercises the students expressed very strong understanding of the competences needed in mediation, especially in ”competence tree metaphor” exercise. The students could, trough visual metaphor, name a wide range of components that mediation competence requires. Rich set of visual elements, materials, colors and compositions helped the collaborative thinking process.
Based on my experience at summer school it seems, that visualization and role play applied together are good pedagogical methods to train intangible elements in mediation. There are plenty of different theater methods as well as (visual) design thinking methods to apply together and provide a meaningful learning experience, that uses embodied and experiential knowledge. It is vital to take a holistic approach to human-human interaction, where emotions and meaning making are present. I am looking forward to develop new participatory pedagogy together with Turiba University and Turku University teachers.
Dana Rone, Turiba University (Latvia), „Mediation in Criminal cases”
Dana Rone, Turiba University (Latvia), „Success stories of mediation”
Ulla Zumente-Steele, Turiba University (Latvia), „Psychology aspects in family mediation”