Augstskolas docētāji un pētnieki savu pētījumu rezultātus regulāri publicē starptautiskos un nacionālos zinātniskos izdevumos, kas kopumā sastāda 75 līdz 90 publikācijas gadā. Vairāk nekā puse no publikācijām ir atrodamas recenzētos zinātniskos izdevumos.
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Publikācija |
2024. | Zvirgzdina, R., Straupe, E., Linina, I., Vevere, V. (2024). Modern Technologies for Effective Communication between Apartment Owners and Apartment Building Managers in Latvia. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ENVIRONMENT and DEVELOPMENT DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.27 (SCOPUS) Datu bāze: Scopus |
2024. | Zvirgzdina, R., Sakena, D., Linina, I. (2024). REORGANIZATION BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR INCREASING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT COMPANIES IN LATVIA THROUGH MERGER AND ACQUISITION TRANSACTIONS. Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference. Volume 1 / Environment and Resources. DOI: (SCOPUS) Datu bāze: Scopus |
2024. | Linina, I., Jansevica, G., Vevere.V. (2024). ORGANIZATION OF PARTICIPATORY BUDGET (PB) DEVELOPMENT IN LATVIAN MUNICIPALITIES. Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference. Volume 1 / Environment and Resources. DOI: DOI: (SCOPUS) Datu bāze: Scopus |
2024. | Vevere, V., Singh, K., Linina, I. (2024). FRAMEWORK FOR ENHANCING CUSTOMER LOYALTY OF TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANIES IN INDIA: A CASE OF RELIANCE JIO INFOCOMM LTD. Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference. Volume 2 / Environment and Resources. DOI: (SCOPUS) Datu bāze: Scopus |
2024. | I. Bumane; R. Zvirgzdina; N. Hura; V. Metelytsia; I. Otenko; M. Bialoshytskyi. (2024) FINANCIAL AND CREDIT ACTIVITY: PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE. FINANCIAL AND CREDIT ACTIVITIES: problems of theory and practice Volume 5 No. 58 (2024) Scopus. Datu bāze: Scopus |
2023. | Denis Vasiliev; Lennart Bornmalm; Richard Hazlett; Rodney Stevens. GEOPARKS AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT. DOI 10.5593/sgem2023/5.1/s21.49, 23 Proceedings of 23rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2023. Scopus 2023 Datu bāze: Scopus |
2023. | L.Zgalat-Lozynska, H.Kryshtal, Z. Drinke, V.Lych, O.Kulikov, Y.Panin. Impact of digital transformation on business structures. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2023, (4): 144 – 149,, Scopus 2023 Datu bāze: Scopus |
2023. | Zvirgzdiņa R., Skadiņa H., Liniņa I. (2023) Appropriate Communication of the Strategy as an Impact Factor for Business Model Digitalization. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS. 1709-1718. pp. DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.151. Scopus 2023 Datu bāze: Scopus |
2023. | Linina, I., Jansevica, G. (2023). PLACE MARKETING IN PLANNING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. DOI:, Scopus 2023 Datu bāze: Scopus |
2022. |
Vasilevska, D., Rivza, B. Digital Transformation Of Agriculture: Priorities And Barriers. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 2022, 22(2.1), pp. 27–34, (SCOPUS) 2022 Datu bāze: Scopus |
2022. | Vasiliev, D. The Role of Biodiversity in Ecosystem Resilience IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1072 (1), art. no. 012012. 85142245591&doi=10.1088%2f1755-1315%2f1072%2f1%2f012012&partnerID=DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1072/1/012012 (SCOPUS) 2022 Datu bāze: Scopus |
2022. | Vasiliev, D. Climate Justice and Biodiversity IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1072 (1), art. No. 012008. 1315%2f1072%2f1%2f012008&partnerID=DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1072/1/012008 (SCOPUS) 2022 Datu bāze: Scopus |
2022. | Linina, I., Zvirgzdina, R., Vevere, V. Ensuring Consumer Satisfaction With Chatbots In The Baltic States. 12TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT 2022 Book Series: Business and Management-Spausdinta, pp. 511–516 DOI: 10.3846/bm.2022.733, WOS:000887405800061 (WEB OF SCIENCE) 2022 Datu bāze: Web of Science |
2022. | Linina, I., Zvirgzdina, R., Tislerova, K. Involvement of Employees in Increasing the Efficiency of Production Processes for SMEs in the Baltic States. DOI: 10.5755/j01.eis.0.16.31135, EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES Issue: 16, pp. 125–134, WOS:000877372600010, (WEB OF SCIENCE) 2022 Datu Bāze: Web of Science |
2022. | Popovs, A. Drinke, Z. The Outlook Of The Digital Transformation For Sustainability. 12TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Book Series: Business and Management-Spausdinta, pp. 539–545 DOI: 10.3846/bm.2022.742 WOS:000887405800064 (WEB OF SCIENCE) 2022 Datu bāze: Web of Science |
2021. | Linina, I., Zvirgzdina, R., Vevere, V. Client relationship management in latvian retail enterprises under COVID-19 circumstances. Vide. Tehnologija. Resursi - Environment, Technology, Resources, 1, pp. 155-161. 85118669096&doi=10.17770%2fetr2021vol1.6573&partnerID=40&md5= DOI: 10.17770/etr2021vol1.6573 (2021) Datu bāze: Scopus |
2021. | Skadina, H., Zvirgzdina, R. Methodology of creating success criteria within the business model for sustainability reasons International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 21 (3), pp. 360-369. 16) 85104679172&doi=10.1504%2fijebr.2021.114383&partnerID=40&md5=3 DOI: 10.1504/ijebr.2021.114383 (2021) Datu bāze: Scopus |
2021. | Vasiliev, D. “Implications of Pollinator Biodiversity Decline for Food Security, Economy, and Pollinator Conservation Policies”, E3S Web of Conferences 259, 01006, 85106146473&doi=10.1051%2fe3sconf%2f202125901006&partnerID=40 (2021) Datu bāze: Scopus |
2021. |
Linina, I., Vevere, V. Critical thinking as grounds of socially responsible communication. Vide. Tehnologija. Resursi - Environment, Technology, Resources, 1, pp. 149-154. 85118627318&doi=10.17770%2fetr2021vol1.6572&partnerID=40&md5= DOI: 10.17770/etr2021vol1.6572 (2021) Datu bāze: Scopus |
2019. |
Zvirgzdina, R., Skadina, H., Linina, I. The effect of microeconomic factors on business models in fintech industry (2019) Vide. Tehnologija. Resursi - Environment, Technology, Resources, 1, pp. 364-371. DOI: 10.17770/etr2019vol1.4125 SOURCE: Scopus |
2019. | SMALL BUSINESS IN LATVIA - TRENDS AND FACTS IN FIVE YEARS Riekstina, Iluta; Zvirgzdina, Rosita ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2019 Book Series: Economic Science for Rural Development Issue: 50 Pages: 169-176 Published: 2019 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2019. | PRICE DISCOUNTS AS A GOODS PROMOTION FACTOR IN LATVIAN RETAIL TRADE Linina, Iveta; Bruksle, Ieva; Zvirgzdina, Rosita ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2019 Book Series: Economic Science for Rural Development Volume: 51 Pages: 298-305 Published: 2019 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2019. | Corporate Social Responsibility and Loyalty Formation Mechanisms in Retailing Linina, Iveta; Vevere, Velga; Zvirgzdina, Rosita VISION 2025: EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AND MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIONS THROUGH SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Pages: 5333-5343 Published: 2019 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2019. | Remote Identification of the Customers in EU-Countries: Framework for the Cross-Border Business Model of a Non-Bank Financial Institution Zvirgzdina, Rosita; Skadina, Helena; Vane, Alida; et al. VISION 2025: EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AND MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIONS THROUGH SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Pages: 3864-3872 Published: 2019 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2019. | How to Define the Current Price of The Cryptocurrencies by Crypto Exchange? Zvirgzdina, Rosita; Skadina, Helena; Cernisevs, Olegs; et al. VISION 2025: EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AND MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIONS THROUGH SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Pages: 1646-1653 Published: 2019 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2019. |
Vasilevska, D., Rivza, B. Interaction between digitization and small business in rural territories of Baltic states (2019) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 19 (2.1), pp. 369-376. SOURCE: Scopus |
2019. | Šukjurovs, I., Zvirgzdiņa, R., Jeromanova-Maura, S. Artificial intelligence in workplaces and how it will affect employment in Latvia (2019) Vide. Tehnologija. Resursi - Environment, Technology, Resources, 2, pp. 154-158. DOI: 10.17770/etr2019vol2.4151 SOURCE: Scopus |
2019. | Vane, A., Linina, I., Skadina, H. The number of medical imaging services in Latvia and Lithuania (2019) Vide. Tehnologija. Resursi - Environment, Technology, Resources, 1, pp. 320-324. DOI: 10.17770/etr2019vol1.4136 SOURCE: Scopus |
2019. | Linina, I., Vevere, V., Zvirgzdina, R. Necessity of customer loyalty formation and its peculiarities in the telecommunication services (2019) Vide. Tehnologija. Resursi - Environment, Technology, Resources, 1, pp. 142-146. DOI: 10.17770/etr2019vol1.4124 SOURCE: Scopus |
2019. | Libkovska, U., Vasilevska, D., Ozola, I. Quality management in hospitality enterprises for sustainable development in Latvia (2019) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 19 (5.3), pp. 595-604. DOI: 10.5593/sgem2019/5.3/S21.075 SOURCE: Scopus |
2019. | Rivza, B., Vasilevska, D., Rivza, P. Impact of digital innovation on development of agriculture in Latvia (2019) Engineering for Rural Development, 18, pp. 682-687. Cited 1 time. DOI: 10.22616/ERDev2019.18.N485 SOURCE: Scopus |
2019. | Evaluation of Smart Specialisation Influence Indicators in The Riga Planning Region (Latvia) Azena, Ligita; Vasilevska, Daina; Rivza, Baiba Conference: 34th International-Business-Information-Management-Association (IBIMA) VISION 2025: EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AND MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIONS THROUGH SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Pages: 427-436 Published: 2019 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2019. | Bulis, A., Kabiraj, S., Siddik, M.N.A. Competitiveness Impedimental Factors of Latvian Manufacturing Companies in China (2019) Global Business Review, . Cited 1 time. SOURCE: Scopus |
2019. | Gribanova, S., Abeltina, A. Job satisfaction of IT employees in Latvia: Expectations and reality [Удовлетворенность ИТ-специалистов работой в Латвии: ожидания и реальность] (2019) Economic Annals-XXI, 178 (7), pp. 148-157. DOI: 10.21003/ea.V178-13 SOURCE: Scopus |
2018. | Vasilevska, D., Rivza, B. Green entrepreneurship as a factor of sustainable economic development in baltic states (2018) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 18 (5.3), pp. 423-430. Cited 1 time. DOI: 10.5593/sgem2018/5.3/S28.054 SOURCE: Scopus |
2018. | Vasilevska, D., Rivza, B. Implementation of quality management in small and medium enterprises: Problems and solutions (2018) Engineering for Rural Development, 17, pp. 1072-1077. DOI: 10.22616/ERDev2018.17.N116 SOURCE: Scopus |
2018. | ENHANCING EFFICIENCY OF SMES IN LATVIA Linina, Iveta; Zvirgzdina, Rosita ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2018 Book Series: Economic Science for Rural Development Issue: 48 Pages: 163-171 Published: 2018 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2018. | THE EFFECT OF MACROECONOMIC FACTORS ON BUSINESS MODELS IN FINTECH INDUSTRY Zvirgzdina, Rosita; Skadina, Helena ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT Book Series: Economic Science for Rural Development Volume: 49 Pages: 260-268 Published: 2018 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2018. | Enhancing Efficiency of Baltic Retail Contact Centers Linina, Iveta; Vevere, Velga; Zvirgzdina, Rosita EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES Issue: 12 Pages: 129-138 Published: 2018 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2018. | Social Enterprises In Baltic States Jeromanova-Maura, Silva; Zvirgzdina, Rosita; Linina, Iveta 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIFELONG LEARNING AND LEADERSHIP FOR ALL (ICLEL 2018) Pages: 678-687 Published: 2018 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2018. | Six Sigma Application Analysis in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) In Latvia Linina, Iveta; Vevere, Velga; Zvirgzdina, Rosita 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIFELONG LEARNING AND LEADERSHIP FOR ALL (ICLEL 2018) Pages: 602-611 Published: 2018 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2018. | New Trends in the Supply Chain Management Field Kozlovskis, Normunds; Zvirgzdina, Rosita 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIFELONG LEARNING AND LEADERSHIP FOR ALL (ICLEL 2018) Pages: 295-302 Published: 2018 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2018. | Vanags, A., Ābeltiņa, A., Zvirgzdiņa, R. Partnership strategy model for small and medium enterprises (2018) Problems and Perspectives in Management, 16 (1), pp. 336-347. Cited 2 times. DOI: 10.21511/ppm.16(1).2018.33 SOURCE: Scopus |
2018. | Gribanova, S., Abeltina, A. Motivation of IT students in contemporary Latvia (2018) Economic Annals-XXI, 170 (3-4), pp. 73-78. DOI: 10.21003/ea.V170-13 SOURCE: Scopus |
2018. | Gribanova, S., Abeltina, A. Emplacement of creative it specialists in Latvia (2018) Research for Rural Development, 2, pp. 224-230. DOI: 10.22616/rrd.24.2018.076 SOURCE: Scopus |
2017. | Possible Improvements in Government Debt Securities Model in Latvia Avotins, Ivars; Vanags, Janis; Zvirgzdina, Rosita Conference: 3rd International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All (ICLEL) 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIFELONG LEARNING AND LEADERSHIP FOR ALL (ICLEL 2017) Pages: 819-828 Published: 2017 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2017. | Lean management application analysis in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in Latvia Zvirgzdina, Rosita; Linina, Iveta; Fogelmanis, Kaspars 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIFELONG LEARNING AND LEADERSHIP FOR ALL (ICLEL 2017) Pages: 441-452 Published: 2017 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2017. | Evaluation of customer relation management formation in the retail trade enterprises in the Baltic countries Linina, Iveta; Vevere, Velga; Zvirgzdina, Rosita 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIFELONG LEARNING AND LEADERSHIP FOR ALL (ICLEL 2017) Pages: 432-440 Published: 2017 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2017. | Indexes as Business Environment Characterizing Instruments Vevere, Velga; Zvirgzdina, Rosita; Linina, Iveta EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES Issue: 11 Pages: 220-232 Published: 2017 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2017. | Liniņa, I., Zvirgzdiņa, R. Evaluation of efficient consumer response (ECR) processes in retail companies in the Baltic states (2017) Vide. Tehnologija. Resursi - Environment, Technology, Resources, 1, pp. 173-178. DOI: 10.17770/etr2017vol1.2555 SOURCE: Scopus |
2017. | Vasilevska, D., Rivza, B., Pivac, T., Alekneviciene, V., Parlińska, A. Analysis of the Demand for Distance Education at Eastern and Central European Higher Education Institutions (2017) Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 19 (1), pp. 106-116. Cited 2 times. DOI: 10.1515/jtes-2017-0007 SOURCE: Scopus |
2017. | LABOUR MARKET TRENDS AND OCCUPATIONAL INTERESTS OF YOUTH IN LATVIA Libkovska, Una; Bikse, Veronika; Lusena-Ezera, Inese; Vasilevska, Daina EKONOMSKA MISAO I PRAKSA-ECONOMIC THOUGHT AND PRACTICE Volume: 26 Issue: 2 Pages: 829-846 Published: DEC 2017 SOURCE: Web of Science |
2017. | Evaluation of Readiness for Distance Education of Students in European Universities Vasilevska, Daina; Rivza, Baiba; Bogdan, Razvan BRAIN-BROAD RESEARCH IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND NEUROSCIENCE Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Pages: 35-41 Published: APR 2017 SOURCE: Web of Science |
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2020. | Gaile, D., Tumalavičius, V., Skrastiņa, U., Načiščionis, J. Modern economics in the context of security: Efficient use of funds and reduction of risks as one of the aims of public procurement Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2020, 8(1), pp. 49-59 Source: Scopus, Web of Science |
2020. | Načiščionis, J., Tumalavičius, V., Skrastiņa, U., Radzevičs, J., Prakapiene, D. Issues of public security: Legal consequences of determining unforeseeable extraordinary events. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 2020, 9(3), pp. 1117-1127 Source: Scopus |
2019. | Ivančiks, J., Trofimovs, I., Teivans-Treinovskis, J. Evaluations of security measures and impact of globalization on characteristics of particular property crimes. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 2019, 8(4), pp. 569-579 Source: Scopus |
2018. | Teivans-Treinovskis, J., Nesterova, M., Lipe, E. Evaluations of security measures in a legal field: Ensuring public safety in the area of sexual violence. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 2018, 8(2), pp. 99-109 Source: Scopus |
2018. | Načisčionis, J., Skrastina, U., Tumalavičius, V. Secure development of public administration. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 2018, 8(1), pp. 87-102 Source: Scopus |
2017. | Trofimovs, I., Ivančiks, J. Psychological aspects of operational and investigative activities as a factor of strengthening of the national security (2017) Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 7 (1), pp. 55-66. Cited 3 times. DOI: 10.9770/jssi.2017.7.1(5) Source: Scopus |
2017. | Trofimovs, I., Ivančiks, J. National security strengthening through the operational activities law (2017) Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 6 (3), pp. 391-400. Cited 2 times. DOI: 10.9770/jssi.2017.6.3(6) Source: Scopus |
2017. | Skrastina, Una; Radzevics, Juris Provision of Information in Public Procurement. Conference: Scientific Conference on Society, Integration, Education Location: Rezekne, LATVIA, 2017 VOL IV Book Series: Sabiedriba Integracija Izglitiba-Society Integration Education Pages: 377-390, Published: Web of Science |
2017. | Tumalavičius, V., Veikša, I., Načisčionis, J., Zahars, V., Draskovic, V. Issues of the state and society security (part i): Ensuring public security in the fight against crime (2017) Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 6 (3), pp. 401-418. Cited 12 times. DOI: 10.9770/jssi.2017.6.3(7) Source: Scopus |
2017. | Šincans, E., Ivančiks, J. Evaluations of energy security measures: Experience of different countries in the fight unlawful use of electricity and comparison with Latvia (2017) Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 6 (4), pp. 547-562. Cited 2 times. DOI: 10.9770/jssi.2017.6.4(2) Source: Scopus |
2017. | Lavrinenko, O., Ohotina, A., Amosova, J., Teivans-Treinovskis, J. Intercompany networks of the cross-border region (Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus) Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 2017, 7(1), pp. 39-54 Source: Scopus |
2017. | Lavrinenko, O., Jefimovs, N., Teivans-Treinovskis, J. Issues in the area of secure development: Trust as an innovative system's economic growth factor of border regions (Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus) Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 2017, 6(3), pp. 435-444 Source: Scopus |
2017. | Tumalavičius, V., Nikolayevskyy, V., Endzinš, A. Issues of the state and society security (Part II): Management of control over individual criminal processes (2017) Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 6 (4), pp. 605-617. Cited 5 times. DOI: 10.9770/jssi.2017.6.4(6) Source: Scopus |
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2019. |
Grizane, T., Gusca, J., Sannikova, A., Jurgelane-Kaldava, I. (2019). Emission of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Growth the Tourism Industry: Case Study of Latvia. Rural Development 2019, 52, 347-354. doi: 10.22616/ESRD.2019.141 Web of Science. |
2019. |
Lingebērziņš, Ē. (2019). Regional context of domestic travel in Latvia. Rural Development 2019; 52. 76-83. doi: 10.22616/ESRD.2019.107. Web of Science |
2018. |
Doniņa, A., Rozīte, M., Vinklere, D. (2018). Latvia. Hospitality and Tourism in Transition in Central and Eastern Europe. A Comparative Analysis. M. Vodenska (Ed.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 223-261. |
2018. |
Grizāne, T., Jurgelāne, I., Jankova, L., Sannikova, A. (2018). Opportunities for Latvian Export of Medical Services. Research for Rural Development 2018, (2), 187-194. doi: 10.22616/rrd.24.2018.071. Scopus, Web of Science. |
2018. |
Grizane, T., Jankova, L. Sannikova, A., Jurgelane, I. (2018). Medical tourism services in the Baltic states: dentistry. Economic Science of Rural Development, 48, 346-355. doi: 10.22616/ESRD.2018.104. Web of Science. |
2018. |
Sannikova, A., Grizane. T.(2018). Labour Supply in Latvia and its Impacting Factors. Economic Science of Rural Development, 48, 237-243. Doi: 10.22616/ESRD.2018.090. Web of Science. |
2018. |
Van der Steina, A., Rozite, M.(2018). Tourism Development in Riga: Resident Attitudes Toward Tourism. In D.K. Müller, M. Wieckowski (eds), Tourism in Transitions. Recovering Decline, Managing Change, Springer International Publishing, 137-156. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-64325-0_8. Web of Science. |
2017. |
Grizane, T., Jurgelane, I. (2017). Social Media Impact on Business Evaluation. Procedia Computer Science, 104, 190-196. doi: 10.1010/j.procs.2017.01.103. Scopus. |
2017. |
Jankova, L., Grizane, T.,Jurgelane, I., Auziņa, A. (2017). Social Capital as a Development Suport Tool in Zemgale. Economic Science of Rural Development, 46, 68-76. Web of Science. |
2017. |
Jankova, L., Grizāne, T.,Jurgelāne, I. (2017). Impact of the Factors of the Social Capital of Zemgale Region on the Development. Research for Rural Development, 2017 (2),256-262. doi:10.22616/rrd.23.2018.076. Scopus, Web of Science. |
2017. |
Sannikova, A., Grizane, T.,Dobele, A. (2017). Demand for and Supply of Higher Education in Latvia. Economic Science of Rural Development, 45, 204-212. Web of Science. |
Docētājs |
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Drozdova Valerija, Luka Ineta | 2022 | Drozdova Valerija, Luka Ineta, Šakytė-Statnickė Gita, Budrytė-Ausiejienė Laurencija. (2023). Intercultural Communication Aspects Encountered in Tourism Enterprises of Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden. Journal of Education, Society & Multiculturalism, 4(1), 51.-79.lpp., e-ISSN 2734-4754, [ERIH PLUS DB]. |
Ineta Lūka | 2022 | Luka Ineta. (2022). Implementation of a Multilingual Blended Learning Course for Non-formal and Informal Adult Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Research in E-learning., 8(2), [ERIH PLUS DB]. |
Valērija Drozdova | 2022 | Drozdova Valerija, Taulean Micaela. (2022). Academic and Intercultural Competences of International Students in Higher Education. Journal of Turiba University ‘Acta Prosperitatis’, 13, 24.-45.lpp. DOI: 10.37804/1691-6077-2022-13-24-45 [ERIH PLUS DB] |
Valērija Drozdova | 2022 | Drozdova Valerija. (2022). Functions of Discourse Micro-markers in Spoken Academic Discourse in University Setting. Educational Role of Language Journal, Volume 2022 – 1(7) Placing Language in the Centre of Schooling, 2022-1(7), 6-19.lpp. ISSN 2657-9774, [ERIH PLUS DB] |
Ineta Lūka | 2021 | Luka Ineta. (2021). European Cultural Heritage and Skills Development Course for Adult Learners’ Self-development. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 12(2), 505–526. [Web of Science, ERIH PLUS DB] |
Ineta Lūka | 2021 | Luka Ineta. (2021). Developing Adult Learners' Language Competence in Culture-Based Blended-Learning Course. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica, 13(2), pp. 71–92. [SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS DB] |
Ineta Lūka | 2020 | Luka Ineta, Fernate Andra, Birzina Rita, Pigozne Tamara. (2020). Quality Assurance in Adult Education in Latvia. From Pedagogy to Quality Assurance in Education: An International Perspective, H.Flavian (red.). Emerald Publishing Limited, 155.-174.lpp. ISBN: 978-1-83867-107-5, e-ISBN: 978-1-83867-106-8, [SCOPUS DB] |
Ineta Lūka | 2019 | Pigozne Tamara, Luka Ineta., Surikova Svetlana. (2019). Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship and Employability through Non-Formal and Informal Learning: The Latvia Case. CEPS Journal. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 9 (4), 129-150.lpp., ISSN 1855-9719, [SCOPUS DB] |
Ineta Lūka | 2019 | Luka Ineta. (2019). Design thinking in pedagogy: Frameworks and uses. European Journal of Education, 54 (4), 499-512.lpp. ISSN 0141-8211, Willey Online Library, [SCOPUS DB] |
Ineta Lūka | 2019 | Luka Ineta. (2019). Creating a Culture-Based Language Learning Course for Developing Adult Learners’ 21st Century Skills. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 2, 151.-169.lpp., ISSN 2081-1640, [Web of Science, ERIH PLUS DB] |
Ineta Lūka | 2019 | Luka, I., Seniut, I. (2019). Developing Students’ Language Competence and Essential 21st Century Skills for Future Employability: The Case of Latvia and Lithuania. Acta Educationis Generalis, 9 (2), 1.-23.lpp., ISSN 2585-7444, DOI: [ERIH PLUS DB] |
Ineta Lūka | 2018 | Perederenko Kamila, Luka Ineta. (2018). Education for Creativity: Tourism Employers’ Preferences. Innovations, Technologies and Research in Education. (ed. Daniela, L.), Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp.108-126. [British Library Cataloguing]. ISBN (10): 1-5275-062; [British Library Cataloguing, Web of Science DB] |
Ineta Lūka | 2018 | Luka, I. (2018).Summative evaluation of online language learning course efficiency for students studying tourism and hospitality management, Quality Assurance in Education, 26 (4), 446.-465.lpp., [Scopus DB] |
Ineta Lūka |
2018. |
Kamila Perederenko, Ineta Luka.(2018). Education for Creativity: Tourism Employers’ Preferences. Innovations, Technologies and Research in Education. (ed. Daniela, L.), Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp.108-126ISBN (10): 1-5275-062; skatīt šeit [Web of Science DB] |
Ineta Lūka |
2018. |
Ineta Lūka (2018). Summative evaluation of online language learning course efficiency for students studying tourism and hospitality management, Quality Assurance in Education, 26 (4), 446.-465.lpp., skatīt šeit [Scopus DB] |
Citas publikācijas
Zane Driņķe
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Publikācija |
2024. | Driņķe Z., Zvirgzdina R., Mazhnyk L., Mokiienko T., Holovash L., Kryshtal H. (2024) DIGITAL ECONOMY: OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRANSFORMATION OF ENTEPRENEURIAL STRUCTURES. ISSN 2071-2227, E-ISSN 2223-2362, Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2024, № 1. 140 – 146 pp. DOI: |
2018. | Driņķe, Z., Zvirgzdiņa, R., (2018) Quality management system and models for small and medium enetrprieses development. 24th EBES Conference Proceedings, Prague, Czech Republic Hosted by University of Finance and Administration, 8.pp |
2018. | Driņķe, Z., Bruksle, I., (2018) Pricing competences as a tool for competitiveness increase of Latvian companies un global market. 18th International Scientific conference globalization and its socio-economic consequences University of Zilina, the faculty of operation and economics of transport and communications department of economics. Proceedings, Part V. Rajecke Teplice. |
2018. |
Driņķe, Z., Bruksle, I., (2018) Quality management system as tool for corporate development and competitiveness increase in small and medium companies. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference “ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT” Jelgava, 2018, pp |
2017. |
Driņķe, Z., Bruksle, I., (2017) Quality management system as a global tool for international corporate development and increasing competitiveness. 17th International Scientific Conference Globalization and Its Socio-Economic Consequences University of Zilina, The Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Department of Economics. Globalization and its Socio-economic Consequences. Proceedings, Part V. Rejecke Teplice. ISBN – 13: 978-80-8154-212-1 |
Rosita Zvirgzdiņa
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Publikācija |
2024. | Avotiņš, I., Avotiņa, G., Zvirgzdiņa, R. (2024) Possible Improvements of Personal Income Tax in Latvia, 2024, [POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS OF PERSONAL INCOME TAX IN LATVIA | ENVIRONMENT. TECHNOLOGIES. RESOURCES. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference] | |
2024. | Avotiņš, I., Avotiņa, G., Zvirgzdiņa, R. (2024) POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS OF CORPORATE INCOME TAX IN LATVIA [ISSN 2029-4441 / eISSN 2029-929X; eISBN 978-609-476-363-2 Article Number: bm.2024.1304;] | |
2024. | Driņķe Z., Zvirgzdina R., Mazhnyk L., Mokiienko T., Holovash L., Kryshtal H. (2024) DIGITAL ECONOMY: OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRANSFORMATION OF ENTEPRENEURIAL STRUCTURES. ISSN 2071-2227, E-ISSN 2223-2362, Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2024, № 1. 140 – 146 pp. DOI: | |
2023. | Linina, I., Vevere, V., Zvirgzdina, R. (2023). Strategy Development for use of Influencers in Communication of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) with Consumers. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. Volume 20, pp. 1607 – 1614. Doi: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.141 2023 | |
2020. | Iveta Liniņa Rosita Zvirgzdiņa Evaluation of buyer's loyalty process in retail companies in Latvia under the conditions of globalization SHS Web of Conferences, Nr.74 (2020) | |
2019. | Zvirgzdiņa R., Skadiņa H., Liniņa I. (2019). Effect of Microeconomic Factors on Business Models in Fintech Industry. Datu bāze: SCOPUS | |
2019. | Linina I., Vevere V., Zvirgzdina R. (2019). NECESSITY OF CUSTOMER LOYALIY FORMATION AND ITS PECULIARITIES UN THE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES. VIDE.TEHNOLOĢIJAS. RESURSI. 12.starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences materiāli, 1.sējums, Rēzekne: RTA, 2019.pp373. ISSN 1691-5402; ISSN 2256-070X. Datu bāze: SCOPUS | |
2018. | Jeromanova-Maura S., Zvirgzdiņa R., Liniņa I. (2018). Social Enterprises In Baltic States. 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIFELONG LEARNING AND LEADERSHIP FOR ALL (ICLEL 2018) Pages: 678-687. Datu bāze: ThomsonReutersWoS | |
2018. | Zvirgzdiņa R., Skadiņa H. (2018) The effect of macroeconomic factors on business models in fintech industry. IN: The 60 th international scientific conference of Daugavpils University, Daugavpils. Datu bāze: EBSCO | |
2018. | Zvirgzdiņa R., Driņķe Z., Bruksle I., Liniņa I., Medne A., Onževs O, Ozols J. (2018) Latvijas Tautsaimniecība – Neatkarības sākumposmā un simtgadi sasniedzot. IN: XIX Turiba University Conference LATVIA 100: EXPECTATIONS, ACHIEVEMENTS and CHALLENGES Proceedings Rīga. Datu bāze: EBSCO | |
2017. |
Zvirgzdiņa R., Liniņa I. (2017) Evaluation of Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) Processes Im Retail Companies Im The Baltic States. In: Environment. Technology. Recources. Rezekne academy of Technologies, Rezekne. Datu bāze: SCOPUS. |
2017. |
Bruksle I., Zvirgzdiņa R. (2017) Problems Of Pricing as a Competitiveness Tool in Latvian Business Environment. In: Economic Science for Rural Development: proceedings of the international scientific conference, No. 45. Jelgava: (2017) LLU, pp. 21-29. ISBN 978-9984-48-261-3. Databases: ISI Web of Science, AGRIS, CAB Abstracts and EBSCOHost Academics Search Complete databases. ISSN 2255-9930 Datu bāze: ThomsonReutersWoS. |
2017. |
Repša I., Zvirgzdiņa R. (2017) Real Estate Developers of Increasing Competitiveness in the Global Environment Conditions.In: Economic Science for Rural Development: proceedings of the international scientific conference, No. 45. Jelgava: (2017) LLU, pp. 338-343. ISBN 978-9984-48-261-3. Databases: ISI Web of Science, AGRIS, CAB Abstracts and EBSCOHost Academics Search Complete databases. ISSN 2255-9930 Datu bāze: ThomsonReutersWoS. |
2017. |
Vevere V., Zvirgzdiņa R., Liniņa I.. (2017). Indexes and Their Use in Business Environment Evaluation in the Baltic States In: „The Future of European Union International Role: Polotical, Economic and Social Challenges” raksts tiks publicēts Web of Science, Kaunas University of Technology, Kauņa. Datu bāze: ThomsonReutersWoS. |
Anna Medne
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Publikācija |
2017. |
BA Turība, 2017.gada 18.maijā, XVIII Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference Komunikācija globālajā ciemā: intereses un ietekmes ar ziņojumu Iekšējā audits komercuzņēmumos – palīgs uzņēmējam, Rīgā 2017.gada 18.maijā |
2017. |
Darbinieku motivēšana komercuzņēmumos //Liepājas Universitātes Sociālo zinātņu katedras un Vadībzinātņu katedras organizētajā 19.starptautiskajā zinātniskajā konferencē “Sabiedrība un kultūra: Lokālais un globālais” Rakstu krājums ISSN 1407 – 6918, Liepāja 2017, 175 -185 lpp. |
Ieva Bruksle
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Publikācija |
2024. | Anzelika Krastina, Carla Johnson, Bálint Bogya, Ieva Bruksle, (2024) “Solving grassroots climate change problems - finding profitable business opportunities “, Lapland UAS JOURNAL , Lumen 3/2024 Solving grassroots climate change problems – finding profitable business opportunities – Lumen |
2019. | Bruksle I., Liniņa L., Zvirgzdiņa R., (2019). Price discounts as a goods promotion factor in latvian retail trade. Proceedings of 20th Annual international scientific conference ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2019, LLU, Jelgava, Datu bāze: Web of Science |
2018. | Driņķe, Z., Bruksle, I., (2018) Pricing competences as a tool for competitiveness increase of Latvian companies un global market. 18th International Scientific conference globalization and its socio-economic consequences University of Zilina, the faculty of operation and economics of transport and communications department of economics. Proceedings, Part V. Rajecke Teplice. |
2018. | Driņķe, Z., Bruksle, I., (2018) Quality management system as tool for corporate development and competitiveness increase in small and medium companies. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference “ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT” Jelgava, 2018, pp |
2018. | Zvirgzdiņa R., Driņķe Z., Bruksle I., Liniņa I., Medne A., Onževs O, Ozols J. (2018) Latvijas Tautsaimniecība – Neatkarības sākumposmā un simtgadi sasniedzot. IN: XIX Turiba University Conference LATVIA 100: EXPECTATIONS, ACHIEVEMENTS and CHALLENGES Proceedings Rīga. Datu bāze: EBSCO |
2017. | Bruksle I., Zvirgzdiņa R. (2017) Problems Of Pricing as a Competitiveness Tool in Latvian Business Environment. In: Economic Science for Rural Development: proceedings of the international scientific conference, No. 45. Jelgava: (2017) LLU, pp. 21-29. ISBN 978-9984-48-261-3. Databases: ISI Web of Science, AGRIS, CAB Abstracts and EBSCOHost Academics Search Complete databases. ISSN 2255-9930 Datu bāze: ThomsonReutersWoS. |
2017. | Bruksle I., Driņķe Z., “Quality management system as a global tool for international corporate development and increasing competitiveness", Proceedings of Conference "Globalization and Its Socio-Economic Consequences 2017", Slovak Republic, Rajecke Teplice, 04. – 05. October 2017 |
2017. |
2017 International Conference “ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT, 2017 , Jelgava, Ziņojums , Problems of Pricing as a Competitiveness Tool in Latvian Business Environment. |
Iveta Liniņa
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Publikācija |
2024. | Spica, I., Ponne, R.K., Jegere, P., Linina, I. (20024). The Efficiency of Intellectual Capital Formation at the Scientific Institutions of Engineering and Computer Sciences. Vol. 19 No. 1 (2024): 19th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. DOI: |
2023. | Linina, I., Vevere, V., Zvirgzdina, R. (2023). Strategy Development for use of Influencers in Communication of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) with Consumers. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. Volume 20, pp. 1607 – 1614. Doi: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.141 2023 |
2020. | Iveta Linina Velga Vēvere Enhancement of Retail Consumer Loyalty in Latvia by Means of Social Media Communication European Integration studies, 14 Publicēts 80-89 (2020) |
2020. | Iveta Liniņa Rosita Zvirgzdiņa Evaluation of buyer's loyalty process in retail companies in Latvia under the conditions of globalization SHS Web of Conferences, Nr.74 (2020) |
2019. | Linina I., Vevere V., Zvirgzdina R. (2019). NECESSITY OF CUSTOMER LOYALIY FORMATION AND ITS PECULIARITIES UN THE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES. VIDE.TEHNOLOĢIJAS. RESURSI. 12.starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences materiāli, 1.sējums, Rēzekne: RTA, 2019.pp373. ISSN 1691-5402; ISSN 2256-070X. Datu bāze: SCOPUS |
2018. | Jeromanova-Maura S., Zvirgzdiņa R., Liniņa I. (2018). Social Enterprises In Baltic States. 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIFELONG LEARNING AND LEADERSHIP FOR ALL (ICLEL 2018) Pages: 678-687. Datu bāze: ThomsonReutersWoS |
2018. | Liniņa I., Vēvere V., Zvirgzdiņa R. (2018). Six Sigma Application Analysis in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) In Latvia. EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES Issue: 12 Pages: 129-138. Datu bāze: ThomsonReutersWoS |
2018. | Liniņa I., Vēvere V., Zvirgzdiņa R. (2018). Enhancing Efficiency of Baltic Retail Contact Centers. Datu bāze: ThomsonReutersWoS |
2017. |
Liniņa I. (2017). Customer Relationship Formation and Management in Retail Trade Enterpraises in the Baltics Counrties. ThomsonReutersWoS |
2017. |
Liniņa I., Zvirgzdiņa R. (2017). Evaluation of Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) Processes in Retail Companies in the Baltic States. SCOPUS |
2017. |
Liniņa I., Vēvere V., Zvirgzdiņa R. (2017). Evaluation of customer relation management formation in the retail trade enterprises in the Baltic countries. ThomsonReutersWoS |
2017. | Liniņa I., Vēvere V., Zvirgzdiņa R. (2017). Indexes as Business Environment Characterizing Instruments. EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES Issue: 11 Pages: 220-232, ISSN 1822-8402; ISSN 2335-8831. Datu bāze: ThomsonReutersWoS |
Oskars Onževs
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Publikācija |
2023. | Sile, I., Teterovska, R., Onzevs, O., Ardava, E. Safety Concerns Related to the Simultaneous Use of Prescription or Over-the-Counter Medications and Herbal Medicinal Products: Survey Results among Latvian Citizens International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, 20(16), 6551, Q2 2023 |
2023. | Bulis, A., Onževs, O. Measurement of sustainable development in Latvia. Vide. Tehnologija. Resursi - Environment, Technology, Resources, 2023, 1, pp. 29–32 2023 |
2018. | Oskars Onževs,Gita Kolerte,Acta Prosperitatis. Journal of Turiba University. No. 9.;Rīga; 2018,Turība,Ārējā tirgus apgūšanas iespējas Skandināvijā informācijas un komunikācijas tehnoloģiju jomā,lpp. 5.-22. |
Juris Ozols
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Publikācija |
2019. | Svetlana Gribanova, Anna Abeltina, Juris Ozols (2019). Evaluation of factors that influence the motivation of IT specialists in Latvia. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Society. Integration. Education. Economics, innovative business, and public administration, finance accounting and tax administration. Vol 6 (2019). Rezekne Academy of Technologies, May 24-25 |
Aldis Bulis
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Publikācija |
2024. | Aldis Bulis. (2024) Title: Predictive energy-water optimisation for lowering costs and emissions with few-shots learning. Journal: Energy Conversion and Management. Corresponding Author: Mr. Hao Chen Co-Authors: Wei Zhao; Devrim Murat Yazan; Hadi Taghavifar; Yucheng Lyu; Manuscript Number: ECM-D-24-13753 |
2023. | Bulis, A., Onževs, O. Measurement of sustainable development in Latvia. Vide. Tehnologija. Resursi - Environment, Technology, Resources, 2023, 1, pp. 29–32 2023 |
Deniss Vasiļjevs
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Publikācija |
2023. | Vasiliev, D., Greenwood, S. The role of landscape connectivity in maintaining pollinator biodiversity needs reconsideration. Biodiversity and Conservation, 2023, 32(12), pp. 3765–3790, October 2023 Q1 2023 |
2021. | Vasiliev, D. “The role of e-commerce in organic farming in Latvia”, Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology: ICICT 2021, London, Volume 1; ISBN 978-981-16-2376-9 (2021) |
Evija Kļave
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Publikācija |
2024. | Klave, E., Cāne, R. (2024). Digital transformation of higher education: integrating multimedia systems into the study process. Vide. Tehnologija. Resursi - Environment, Technology, Resources, 2024, 2, pp. 168–174. DOI: |
2024. | Ananadapadmanabhan, A., Kļave, E. (2024). Understanding the Indian Startup Ecosystema Holistic Exploration of Dynamics, Profitability, and Employee Perspectives. Acta Prosperitatis 15(1):4-16. DOI: 10.2478/acpro-2024-0001 |
Renāte Cāne
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Publikācija |
2024. |
Klave, E., Cāne, R. (2024). Digital transformation of higher education: integrating multimedia systems into the study process. Vide. Tehnologija. Resursi - Environment, Technology, Resources, 2024, 2, pp. 168–174. DOI: |
2023. |
Cāne R., Blumfelde-Rutka K. The Importance of Communication in Behavioural change for consumer involvement in the context of BIO waste sorting in Latvia. 24th International Scientific Conference "Economic Science for Rural Development" ISSN 2255-9930, pp. 39-49, DOI:10.22616/ESRD.2023.57.004 pdf |
Velga Vēvere
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Publikācija |
2023. |
Linina, I., Vevere, V., Zvirgzdina, R. (2023). Strategy Development for use of Influencers in Communication of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) with Consumers. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. Volume 20, pp. 1607 – 1614. Doi: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.141 2023 |
2020. |
Iveta Linina Velga Vēvere Enhancement of Retail Consumer Loyalty in Latvia by Means of Social Media Communication European Integration studies, 14 Publicēts 80-89 (2020) |
Andris Pētersons
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Publikācija |
2017. |
Latvijas iedzīvotāju atvērtība starpkultūru komunikācijai. Rīga: Turība. 2017. |
Līga Mirlina
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Publikācija |
2019. | Publikācija “Sabiedrības līdzdalība un ieinteresētība Latvijas valsts pārvaldes procesos” Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmijas konferenču krājumā Society. Integration. Education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, Volume IV, Rēzekne: RTA, 2019 |
2018. | Publikācija “Sabiedrībaslīdzdalība kā pamats sabiedrības uzticēšanai Latvijas valsts pārvaldei” Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmijas konferenču krājumā Society. Integration. Education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, Volume IV, Rēzekne: RTA, 2018 |
2017. | Publikācija un referāts “Role of social media in Latvian Government communication” Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmijas konferenču krājumā Society. Integration. Education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, Volume IV, Rēzekne: RTA, 2017, 304-314 lpp. |
2017. |
Latvijas valsts pārvaldes komunikācijas loma sabiedrības uzticēšanās veidošanā. Biznesa augstskolas Turība konferenču rakstu krājumā. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība. 2017. |
2017. |
Public Governance: Policy and Communication. New Media and New Public Governance: the Strategic Communication Approach. Vilnius, Vilnius University.2017. |
Ainārs Dimants
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Publikācija |
2019. | Jānis Čakste.ānis-Čakste (14.09.2019.). |
2019. | Konkurrierende journalistische Kulturen: Gehört das Mediensystem Lettlands zum Klientel-Modell? Publizistik, 64, 2, 241–253. – (15.03.2019.). |
2018. | Jauns regulējums Latvijas sabiedriskajiem elektroniskajiem plašsaziņas medijiem. Jurista Vārds (11.09.2018.), 37, 24–28. – |
2018. | Radu, Raluca et al. (co-authors) Öffentlicher Rundfunk in Europa: Marktanteile variieren stark. (23.04.2018.). |
2018. | Radu, Raluca et al. (co-authors) Europe’s Public Service Media: Between Responsibility and Accountability. (21.03.2018.). |
2018. | Chapter 18. Latvia: Different journalistic cultures and different accountability within one media system. Eberwein, Tobias; Fengler, Susanne; Karmasin, Matthias (eds.) The European Handbook of Media Accountability. London, New York : Routledge, 2018, 143–149. |
2017. | Ījaba politikas teorija. Akadēmiskā Dzīve (2017), 53, 167–168. – |
2017. |
14. Baltijas studiju konferencē Eiropā The Baltic states at 99: Past, Present and Future". "Latvian media system as a clientelistic model" un sesijas vadīšana. 2017. |
2017. |
Latvian media system as a clientelistic model. The Baltic states at 99: Past, Present and Future: The 12th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe: University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, 19-21 June, 2017: Communication and media studies 1-2: Abstracts, p. 5 [USB Book of Abstracts] |
2017. |
Ziemeļvalstīm raksturīgā TV subtitrēšana divu Saeimu atvilktnē. European Journalism Observatory - EJO (21.06.2017.) |
2017. |
Latvijā auditorija žurnāliem uzticas vairāk nekā avīzēm. European Journalism Observatory - EJO (08.05.2017.) |
2017. |
Латвийцы доверяют журналам больше, чем газетам. European Journalism Observatory - EJO (08.05.2017.) |
2017. |
Lettland: Mehr Vertrauen in Zeitschriften als in Zeitungen. European Journalism Observatory - EJO (18.04.2017.) |
2017. |
Latvians Trust Magazines More Than Newspapers. European Journalism Observatory - EJO (04.04.2017.) |
2017. |
Komunikācijas ābeces patiesība: plašsaziņas medijiem jālieto mērķauditorijas valoda. European Journalism Observatory - EJO (06.03.2017.) |
2017. |
Gada grāmata Latvijas komunikācijas zinātnē. European Journalism Observatory - EJO (09.01.2017.) |
Agrita Lujāne
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Publikācija |
2017. |
Humanitāro zinātņu komunikācija mūsdienās: vēstures piemērs. Biznesa augstskolas Turība konferenču rakstu krājumā. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība. 2017. |
2017. |
Celebrities as the “political locomotives” and their role in elections and in the Latvian Parliament after regaining the independence. Political Marketing Forum 2017. |
Jolanta Derkevica-Pilskunga
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Publikācija |
2019. |
Derkevica-Pilskunga, J. (15.07.2019). Domino effect theory and legal regulations: the effects of risk and crisis communication on Latvian enterprises. Domino efekta teorija un tiesiskais regulējums: Komunikācija riska un krīzes situācijās– ietekme uz Latvijas uzņēmumiem. Summary of the doctoral thesis,, ISBN: 978-9934-543-21-0 |
2019. |
Derkevica-Pilskunga, J. (15.07.2019). Domino efekta teorija un tiesiskais regulējums: Komunikācija riska un krīzes situācijās– ietekme uz Latvijas uzņēmumiem. Domino effect theory and legal regulations: the effects of risk and crisis communication on Latvian enterprises. Promocijas darba kopsavilkums,, ISBN: 978-9934-543-20-3 |
2019. | Derkevica-Pilskunga, J. (15.07.2019). Domino efekta teorija un tiesiskais regulējums: Komunikācija riska un krīzes situācijās – ietekme uz Latvijas uzņēmumiem. Promocijas darbs, |
2017. | Derkevica-Pilskunga, J. (27.06.2017). The Future Perspectives of Risk and Crisis Communication Legislation [Riska un krīzes komunikācijas tiesiskā regulējuma nākotnes perspektīvas]. Jurista Vārds, Nr. 27(981), Latvijas Vēstnesis, 31. – 36.lpp. |
2017. | Derkevica-Pilskunga, J. (2017). The Domino Effect in Risk and Crisis Communication in the Context of its Legal Aspects [Domino efekts komunikācijā riska un krīzes situācijā tā tiesisko aspektu kontekstā]. Biznesa augstskolas Turība žurnāls Acta Prosperitatis, Nr. 7, 7.–23. lpp. |
Aivars Endziņš
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2017. |
The Role of Constitutional Rewiew Bodies in Ensuring the Rule of Law in Rule – Making and Law – Enforcement. Minska, Baltkrievija. 27 -28 April 2017. Experience of the Constitutional Court of Latvia in Ensuring the Rule of Law in Rule –Making and Law –Enforcement. |
2017. |
Starptautiskā konference "Augstākās tiesas kā tiesību sistēmu efektivitātes garants Eiropas Savienībā. Rīga, Ķīpsalas iela 20. 2017. gada 21. aprīlis. Tieslietu padomes kompetences pilnveidošanas iespējas Latvijā. |
2017. |
Konference: Intetraction between Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Jurisdictions and Ordinary Courts. Nicosia, Cyprus. 3 – 4 April 2017. Constitutional Cjmplaints Procedure And Ordinary Courts. |
Ingrīda Veikša
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Publikācija |
2017. |
Reproduction of works for private use. US-China Law Review, Volume 13, Number 5, May 2016.David Publishing Company, CA, USA. 414-424 |
2016. |
Viedoklis par akadēmisko godīgumu. Plaģiāts studiju procesa darbos: kā konstatēt un novērst. Jurista Vārds, 31.05.2016., Nr. 22 (925), 24.-32.lpp. |
2016. |
AIPPI 2015 World Intellectual Property Congress. Milano, Italy. September 16 - 20, 2016. Linking and making available on the internet (Report on Copyright Question), AIPPI 2016 World Intellectual Property Congress, Milan, Italy. |
2016. |
Veikša Ingrīda, Kīsnica Ivita. Consumer friendly access to digital content by ensuring fair remuneration of creators: Latvia example. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, Volume 6 (2016), 358—369 |
2016. |
Latvijas Tirdzniecības un rūpniecības kameras un Squalio rīkots seminārs uzņēmējiem „Pārvaldi savus datus droši”. Latvijas Tirdzniecības un rūpniecības kamera. 2016.gada 12. aprīlī. Autortiesības digitālajā vidē. |
2015. |
Linking and embedding in internet. Pieejams: skatīt šeit. |
Dana Rone
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2017. |
Mediation to Foster European Wide Settlement of Disputes. 2016. – Aracne, Italy. – Ed. Francesco Pesce, Dana Rone. |
2017. |
EU Mediation Law Handbook. Regulatory Robustness Ratings for Mediation Regimes. – Latvia. – Red. Nadja Alexander, Sabine Walsh, Martin Svatos. – Kluwer Law International BV, The Netherlands. 2017. – 493. – 513. lpp. |
2016. |
“Mediācijas pārrobežu attīstība, lai veicinātu strīdu risināšanu Eiropā”. Starptautiska konference Biznesa augstskolā Turība. 2016. gada 28. aprīlis, “Mediācijas attīstība Latvijā”. |
2016. |
Konference “Obligātā atbildības apdrošināšana Eiropas tiesību sistēmās”Eiropas Deliktu tiesību institūts (Vīne, Austrija). |
Jānis Načisčionis
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Publikācija |
2018. | Jānis Načisčionis, Una Skrastiņa, Vladas Tumalavičius. 2018.raksts „SECURE DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION” Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues ISSN 2029-7017 print/ISSN 2029-7025online 2018 September Volume 8 Number 1 |
2017. | Tumalavičius V., Veikša I., Načisčionis J., Zahars V., Draskovic V. 2017.raksts.“ISSUES OF THE STATE AND SOCIETY SECURITY (Part I): ENSURING PUBLIC SECURITY IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CRIME”. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues ISSN 2029-7017 print/ISSN 2029-7025 online 2017 March Volume 6 Number 3 |
2017. |
2016. |
COUNTRY’S DEVELOPMENT AND SAFETY: VIOLENT CRIMES IN CRIME STRUCTURE. Journal of Security and Sustainability IssuesDecember Volume 6 Number 2, skatīt šeit. |
2016. |
"Publiskās pārvaldes reformas pēckrīzes periodā". XVII Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Konkurēspējīgi uzņēmumi konkurētspējīgā valstī”. Biznesa augstskola Turība.2016.gada 31.martā. 170.-179. |
2016. |
Načisčionis Jānis, Skrastiņa Una. XVII Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Konkurēspējīgi uzņēmumi konkurētspējīgā valstī”. Biznesa augstskola Turība, Rīga. 2016.gada 31.martā. Dalība ar referātu "Publiskās pārvaldes reformas pēckrīzes periodā". |
Leonīds Makans
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Publikācija |
2016. |
Policijas un citu drošības gādnieku iespējas ārkārtas situācijuprognozēšanā, novēršanā un risināšanā mūsdienu apstākļos. Administratīvā un Kriminālā Justīcija |
2016. |
Задержание в охранной деятельности по зако- нодательству Латвии: проблемы и решения.. 98 -101//ООО «Издательство «Концепция»/ Журнал Юридическая наука. |
2016. |
Lācīte_Čakstiņa Agra, Makans Leonīds. Starptautiskā konference NOZIEDZĪBAS IEROBEŽOŠANAS MŪSDIENU TENDENCES. Rīga, Ķīpsalas iela 20. 2016. 22.04. |
2016. |
Konference: Noziedzības ierobežošanas mūsdienu tendences. Baltijas starptautiskā akadēmija. 22.04.2016. Dalība ar referātu"Ārkārtas situāciju prognozēšana, novēršana un risināšana mūsdienu apstākļos". |
Agra Lācīte – Čakstiņa
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Publikācija |
2016. |
Lācīte_Čakstiņa Agra, Makans Leonīds. Policijas un citu drošības gādnieku iespējas ārkārtas situācijuprognozēšanā, novēršanā un risināšanā mūsdienu apstākļos. Administratīvā un Kriminālā Justīcija |
2016. |
Lācīte-Čakstiņa Agra, Makans Leonīds. Задержание в охранной деятельности по зако- нодательству Латвии: проблемы и решения..98 -101//ООО «Издательство «Концепция»/ Журнал Юридическая наука. |
2016. |
Lācīte_Čakstiņa Agra, Makans Leonīds. Starptautiskā konference NOZIEDZĪBAS IEROBEŽOŠANAS MŪSDIENU TENDENCES. Rīga, Ķīpsalas iela 20. 2016. 22.04. |
Ernests Saulītis
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Publikācija |
2016. |
PUBLIC SERVICES: LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK AND PROBLEMS IN LATVIA. XIV International Scientific Conference "Management and Engeneereng`16". Conference Proceedings Volume I, pp. 497-506 |
2016. |
XIV International Scientific Conference "Management and Engeneereng`16". Conference Proceedings Volume I, Sozopol, Bulgārija. 19.06.-23.06.2016. Dalība ar referātu "Public services: legislative framework and problems in Latvia" |
Ivo Krievs
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Publikācija |
2017. | Publikācija “Pārziņa vai trešās personas leģitīmās intereses kā personas datu apstrādes tiesiskais pamats”// „Jurista vārds” (“Latvijas Vēstnesis”) Nr.47, 14.11.2017. |
2017. | Kolektīvā monogrāfija „Latvijas Tiesību sistēma” nodaļa “Komerctiesības”// BA Turiba, Tiesību zinātņu bibliotēka, 2017. |
2017. | Publikācija “Kādiem riskiem jāpievērš uzmanība, pieņemot komercpilnvaras”//, 16.06.2017. |
2017. | Publikācija “Kā sagatavoties jaunās datu aizsardzības regulas prasībām”//, 05.05.2017. |
2017. |
Absolūta datu drošība nav iespējama/ intervija. |
Zanda Dāvida
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Publikācija |
2016. |
Mācību metodiskie materiāli kursā "Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzība" |
2016. |
Ārpus uzņēmuma telpām noslēgto līgumu pazīmes, problēmjautājumi un to tiesiskās sekas. Jurista Vārds, 18.10.2016. Nr.42(945), izdevējs VSIA "Latvijas Vēstnesis". |
2016. |
Citizens Energy Forum. Londona. 23.02.-24.02.2016. Dalība ar prezentāciju "Energy market for household consumers in Latvia". |
2016. |
Konference "Vai atkal maksāsim vairāk?". Latvija. 15.03.2016. Dalība ar prezentāciju "Spēcīgs patērētājs ir informēts patērētājs". |
Guntis Zemītis
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Publikācija |
2016. |
“The Doctor – Patient relationship and migration crisis in clinical practic”. Stradiņa Universitātē konferencē. 2106.g. 22.aprīlī. “History and present: Does Europe threaten the fate of the Roman Empire”. |
2016. |
Rakstu krājums "Latvijas valsts tiesību avoti. Valsts dibināšana – neatkarības atjaunošana. Dokumenti un komentāri". Latvijas valsts tiesību avoti. |
2016. |
Raksts “Romas impērijas skaudrā mācība Eiropai” , kas iesniegts “Zinātnes Vēstnesī”. |
2016. |
“Latviešu negatīvā attieksme pret bēgļiem sakņojas padomju okupācijas laikā pārdzīvotajā”. Latvijas avīze. |
2016. |
“Joprojam neērtais 16.marts”. Neatkarīgā rīta avīze. |
Viktorija Jarkina
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Publikācija |
2016. |
Juridiskā tehnika vispārīgo tiesību un civiltiesību sistēmas līgumos. Žurnālā “Jurista Vārds”. |
Ivita Kīsnica
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Publikācija |
2018. | Kīsnica I. (2018) PROFESSIONAL ETHICS. Collective monography. Organization and individual security. pp 233. - 248. |
2016. |
Veikša Ingrīda, Kīsnica Ivita. Consumer friendly access to digital content by ensuring fair remuneration of creators: Latvia example. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, Volume 6 (2016), 358—369 |
Edgars Oļševskis
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Publikācija |
2017. | Tiesības uz starptautisko aizsardzību Latvijas Republikā. Misija ir iespējama. Jurista Vārds, 28. FEBRUĀRIS 2017 /NR. 9 (963) |
2017. | Spīdzināšana, cietsirdība un pazemojums attieksmē un sodā. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2017. 978-9984-840-49-9 |
2016. |
Vai no Stambulas konvencijas izriet valsts pienākums atzīt viendzimuma laulības? Jurista Vārds, 7.JŪNIJS 2016 /NR. 23 (926) |
Nikolajs Ozoliņš
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Publikācija |
2019. | 2019. gada 25 .septembrī publikācijas Administratīvi teritoriālā reforma – labs saturs ar neizdevušos formu |
2018. | 2018.gada 26. oktobrī Reģionālā reforma jāveido pēc iedzīvotāju interesēm un pašvaldību funkcijām, nevis politiskā lēmuma |
2017. |
2017. gada 19. – 20.oktobrī dalība konferencē un raksts publicēšana krājumā 5. starptautiskajā zinātniski praktiskajā konferencē SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN GLOBALIZATION, kas notika Paņevežā (Lietuva). Konferenci organizēja Paņevežas koledža, un Valsts Augstākās profesionālās izglītības skola Koninā (Panstwowa Wyzsza szkola zawodowa w Koninie) EFFECTIVENESS OF PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT |
Docētājs |
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Publikācija |
Agita Doniņa |
2019. |
Doniņa A., Lingli, W., Luka, I., Ping, L., Ubbelohde, G. (2019). Chinese and Latvian tertiary tourism and hospitality education graduates’ professional competence. Acta Prosperitatis, 10, Rīga: SIA "Biznesa augstskola Turība", 61-86. |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2019. |
Grizane, T., Gusca, J., Sannikova, A., Jurgelane-Kaldava, I. (2019). Emission of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Growth the Tourism Industry: Case Study of Latvia. Rural Development 2019, 52, 347-354. doi: 10.22616/ESRD.2019.141 Web of Science. |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2019. |
Grizane, T. (2019). The Contribution of Universities to Regional Development. Research for Rural Development. Pieņemts publicēšanai, Scopus, Web of Science. |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2019. |
Grizane, T., Gusca, J., Jurgelane-Kaldava, I. (2019). Tourist Transportation Generated Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions in Latvia. The Conference of Environmental and Climate Technologies CONECT 2019. Conference Proceedings. Pieņemts publicēšanai |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2019. |
Jankova, L., Grizane, T., Jurgelane-Kaldava, I. (2019). Bizness activity in Latvia. Economy & Business. ISSN 1314-7242. Pieņemts publicēšanai |
Ēriks Lingebērziņš |
2019. |
Lingebērziņš, Ē. (2019). Regional context of domestic travel in Latvia. Rural Development 2019; 52. 76-83. doi: 10.22616/ESRD.2019.107. Web of Science |
Ēriks Lingebērziņš |
2019. |
Lingebērziņš, Ē. (2019). Tūrisma konteksts Rīgas restorānu darbībā. XX Turiba University Conference. Human Values in the Digital Age. SIA Biznesa augstskola Turība. ISSN 1691-6069. 95-108. |
Aivars Kalniņš |
2019. |
Kalniņs, A., Rozīte, M. (2019). Latvijas tūrisma attīstība starpkaru periodā. XX Turiba University Conference. Human Values in the Digital Age. SIA Biznesa augstskola Turība. ISSN 1691-6069. 56-67. |
Maija Rozīte |
2019. |
Rozite, M. v.d. Steina, A. (2019). Tourism Planning and Strategy Implementation: Practice in Municipalities of Latvia. Research for Rural Development. Pieņemts publicēšanai, Scopus, Web of Science. |
Maija Rozīte |
2019. |
Rozīte, M., v.d. Steina, A. (2019). Reģionu tūrisma piedāvājums ārvalstu pilsēttūristiem: Rīgas piemērs. XX Turiba University Conference. Human Values in the Digital Age. SIA Biznesa augstskola Turība. ISSN 1691-6069. 148-159. |
Maija Rozīte |
2019. |
Kalniņs, A., Rozīte, M. (2019). Latvijas tūrisma attīstība starpkaru periodā. XX Turiba University Conference. Human Values in the Digital Age. SIA Biznesa augstskola Turība. ISSN 1691-6069. 56-67. |
Daina Vinklere |
2019. |
Vinklere, D., Rancāne, D. R. (2019). Foreign Students as a Contributing Factor for Tourism in Latvia. Acta Prosperitatis, 10, Rīga: SIA "Biznesa augstskola Turība". 146-156. |
Daina Vinklere |
2019. |
Vinklere, D., Liepniece, E. (2019). Development of International Cycling Network in Latvia. Journal of Hospitality Industry Research and Education, 3(1). La Fondation la Formation Hoteliere, Geneva, Switzerland. 9-16. |
Ruta Žvale |
2019. |
Žvale, R., Latsone, E. (2019). Tūristu gidu profesionālās pilnveides kursu piedāvājums un pieprasījums. XX Turiba University Conference. Human Values in the Digital Age. SIA Biznesa augstskola Turība. ISSN 1691-6069. 268-279. |
Agita Doniņa |
2018. |
Doniņa, A., Rozīte, M., Vinklere, D. (2018). Latvia. In: Hospitality and Tourism in Transition in Central and Eastern Europe. A Comparative Analysis. M. Vodenska (Ed.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 223-261; ISBN: 978-606-687-351-2 |
Agita Doniņa |
2018. |
Doniņa, A. Bukovska, I. (2018). Staffing Challenges in Restaurants in Riga. XIX Turiba University Conference proceedings: Latvia 100: Expectations, Achievements and Challenges, 43-56. |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2018. |
Grizāne, T., Jurgelāne, I., Jankova, L., Sannikova, A. (2018). Opportunities for Latvian Export of Medical Services. Research for Rural Development 2018, (2), 187-194. doi: 10.22616/rrd.24.2018.071. Scopus, Web of Science. |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2018. |
Sannikova, A., Grizane. T. (2018). Labour Supply in Latvia and its Impacting Factors. Economic Science of Rural Development, 48, 237-243. Doi: 10.22616/ESRD.2018.090. Web of Science. |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2018. |
Grizane, T., Jankova, L. Sannikova, A., Jurgelane, I. (2018). Medical tourism services in the Baltic states: dentistry. Economic Science of Rural Development, 48, 346-355. doi: 10.22616/ESRD.2018.104. Web of Science. |
Aivars Kalniņš |
2018. |
Kalniņš, A. (2018). The Discovery by an Hotel Chef. International Case Studies for Hospitality, Tourism and Event Mangement Students and Trainees. Eds: Ineson E, Hong Tai Yap, Nita V. Editura TEHNOPRESS. 17-21. |
Margarita Platace |
2018. |
Platace, M., Grickus, I. (2018). Dealing with Cash Payment in Reception. International Case Studies for Hospitality, Tourism and Event Mangement Students and Trainees. Eds: Ineson E, Hong Tai Yap, Nita V. Editura TEHNOPRESS. 6-9. |
Maija Rozīte |
2018. |
Doniņa, A., Rozīte, M., Vinklere, D. (2018). Latvia. In: Hospitality and Tourism in Transition in Central and Eastern Europe. A Comparative Analysis. M. Vodenska (Ed.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 223-261; ISBN: 978-606-687-351-2 |
Daina Vinklere |
2018. |
Doniņa, A., Rozīte, M., Vinklere, D. (2018). Latvia. In: Hospitality and Tourism in Transition in Central and Eastern Europe. A Comparative Analysis. M. Vodenska (Ed.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 223-261; ISBN: 978-606-687-351-2 |
Ēriks Lingebērziņš |
2017. |
Lingebērziņš, Ē. (2017). Tūrisma uzņēmuma vadīšana kultūras atšķirību kontekstā. Monogrāfija. Sērija „Viesmīlības un tūrisma bibliotēka” Nr. 26. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 271 lpp. |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2017. |
Grizāne T., Jurgelāne, I. (2017) Social Media Impact on Business Evaluation Model. In: ICTE. Regional Development 2016, December 2016, Vol.104, Riga, Latvia, RTU, Elsevier: Procedia Computer Science, 190–196. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2017.01.103. SCOPUS |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2017. |
Grizane T., Sannikova A. (2017). Study Selection: Expectations and Reality. RPIVA XII Starptautiskā Jauno zinātnieku konference 2017. Rakstu krājums, Latvia, Riga, RPIVA, 08.-09.2016, pp.77-86. CD formāts. ISBN 978-9934-503-44-3 |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2017. |
Sannikova A., Grizane T., Dobele A.(2017). Demand for and Supply of Higher Education in Latvia. In: 18th International Scientific Conference. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference Economic Science of Rural Development No. 45. LLU, Latvia, Jelgava, 2017.gada 27.-28.aprilī, pp.204-212. ISSN 1691-3078; ISSN 2255-9930 on line; ISBN 978-9984-48-224-8. Web of Science with CCPCI, AGRIS, CAB Abstracts and EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete databases. Skatīt šeit. |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2017. |
Jurgelāne I., Grizane T., Jankova L. (2017). Impact of the Factors of the Social Capital of Zemgale Region on the Development. In: 23rd Annual International Scientific Conference "Research for Rural Development 2017". Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference Economic Science of Rural Development No. 46. LLU, Latvia, Jelgava, 2017.gada 27.-28.aprilī, pp.44-51. ISSN 1691-4031 (print), ISSN 2255-923X (on line) ISSN 1691-3078; ISSN 2255-9930. Web of Science; SCOPUS, AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete. Skatīt šeit. |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2017. |
Jankova L., Grizane T. Jurgelāne I., Auziņa A. (2017). Social Capital as a Development Suport Tool in Zemgale. In: Regional 18th International Scientific Conference. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference Economic Science of Rural Development No. 46. LLU, Latvia, Jelgava, 2017.gada 27.-28.aprilī, pp.68-76. ISSN 1691-3078; ISSN 2255-9930 on line; ISBN 978-9984-48-260-6. Web of Science with CCPCI, AGRIS, CAB Abstracts and EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete databases. |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2017. |
Sannikova, A., Grizane, T. (2017). Factor Influencing the Supply of Labour in Latvia. In: International Scientific Conference Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities (etECH2017). Abstract Proceedings, pp.16. ISBN 978-9984-24-206-4 (EKA), 978-9984-9633-4-1 (AK). Skatīt šeit. |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2017. |
Grizane T., Sannikova A., Jasaitis J. (2017). Impact of Regional Higher Education Intitutions on the Convergence of Regions. In: 18th International Scientific Conference. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference Economic Science of Rural Development No. 42. LLU, Latvia, Jelgava, 2017.gada 27.-28.aprilī, pp. 44-51. ISSN 1691-3078; ISSN 2255-9930 on line; ISBN 978-9984-48-224-8. Web of Science with CCPCI, AGRIS, CAB Abstracts and EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete databases. Skatīt šeit. |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2017. |
Grizāne T., Jurgelāne, I. (2017). Social Media Impact on Business Evaluation Model. In: ICTE. Regional Development 2016, December 2016, Vol.104, Riga, Latvia, RTU, Elsevier: Procedia Computer Science, pp.190–196. ISSN: 1877-0509. SCOPUS. Skatīt šeit. |
Maija Rozīte |
2017. |
Van der Steina, A., Rozite, M. (2017). Tourism Development in Riga: Resident Attitudes Toward Tourism. In D.K. Müller, M. Wieckowski (eds), Tourism in Transitions. Recovering Decline, Managing Change, Springer International Publishing, pp. 137-156. Library of Congress Control Number: 2017947479. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-54325-0 |
Maija Rozīte |
2017. |
Van der Steina, A., Rozīte, M., Medne, I. (2017). Tūrisma piedāvājuma attīstības virzieni, izmantojot nozīmīguma un snieguma matricu: Jūrmalas piemērs. Proceedings. XVIII Turiba University Conference „Communication in the Global Village: Interests and Influences”, BAT, Rīga. Pp. 213-233. ISSN 1691-6069. |
Margarita Platace |
2017. |
Platace, M. (2017). Guest Registration Procedures. International Case Studies for Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management Students and Trainees, Vol 8. (Eds. Ineson, E., Hong Tai Yap, M., Nita, V). Tehnopress. IASI. Pp. 3-4. ISBN 978-606-687-304-8 |
Ainārs Brencis |
2017. |
Brencis, A. (2017). Logocentrisms Latvijas pašvaldību zīmola vadībā. Proceedings. XVIII Turiba University Conference „Communication in the Global Village: Interests and Influences”, BAT, Rīga. 28-39.lpp. ISSN 1691-6069. |
Daina Vinklere |
2016. |
Vinklere, D. (2016). Tūrisms kā iedzīvotāju labklājības līmeni veicinošs faktors Latvijas piekrastes pašvaldībās. Ģeogrāfiski Raksti Folia Geographica. Ģeogrāfija - vienota daudzveidībā. Rīga, Latvijas Ģeogrāfijas biedrība, XV sēj. 177-182 LPP., ISSN 1407-5229 |
Maija Rozīte |
2016. |
Rozīte, M., Van der Steina, A., Postma, A. 2016. Rīgas pilsētvide tūrisma attīstības kontekstā: vietējo iedzīvotāju attieksme. Ģeogrāfiski Raksti Folia Geographica, XV sēj. Rīga. Latvijas Ģeogrāfijas biedrība. 173-177. lpp; ISSN 1407-5229 |
Armands Muižnieks |
2016. |
Muižnieks, A., Stanule, L. (2016). An Analysis of Factors Influencing the Development of the Kemeri District (Latvia) as a Tourism Destination. Studia Periegetica Mr.2(16) 2016; Wydawnictwo Wyzszej Szkoly Bankowej w Poznaniu. Pp. 77-98. ISSN 1897-9262 |
Aivars Kalniņš |
2016. |
Kalnins, A. (2016). Tragedy in the Tatras. International Case Studies for Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management Students and Trainees. Vol 7. (eds. Ineson, E., Smith, M., Nita, V). Tehnopress. IASI. Pp. 21-25. ISBN 978-606-687-251-5 |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2016. |
Jurgelāne I., Grizane T., Jankova L. (2016) The Role of the University Lifelong Learning Process Implementation. Research for Rural Development, 2016 (2), 246-253. SCOPUS, Web of Science.
Tamāra Grizāne |
2016. |
Grizāne, T., Jurgelāne, I., Jankova, L. (2016). The Role of the University Lifelong Learning Process Implementation. 22nd Annual International Scientific Conference, "Research for Rural Development 2016", Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Latvia ISSN 1691-4031 (print), ISSN 2255-923X (oline) |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2016. |
Grizāne, T. (2016). Measuring Tourism Seasonality in Regions of Latvia. 17th International Scientific Conference. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference Economic Science of Rural Development No. 42. p.p. 59-65. ISSN 1691-3078; ISSN 2255-9930 on line; ISBN 978-9984-48-224-8. ISI Web of Science with CCPCI, AGRIS, CAB Abstracts and EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete databases. |
Ģirts Burgmanis |
2016. |
Burgmanis, Ģ., G.Krūmiņa, J.Šķilters, I.Laicāne, I.Timrote. (2016). Vizuālā uztvere noguruma apstākļos. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte. 151 lpp, ISBN 978-9934-517-93-8 |
Ģirts Burgmanis |
2016. |
Burgmanis, Ģ., Sproģe, I. (2016). Jauniešu ģeogrāfiskā mobilitāte un aktivitāšu sasniedzamība Jelgavas novadā. Ģeogrāfiski Raksti Folia Geographica. Ģeogrāfija - vienota daudzveidībā. Rīga, Latvijas Ģeogrāfijas biedrība. XV sēj. 85-94. lpp. ISSN 1407-5229 |
Ģirts Burgmanis |
2016. |
Burgmanis, Ģ., Apsīte-Beriņa, E. (2016). Iemesli un piesaistes: jauniešu ģeogrāfiskā mobilitāte. Ģeogrāfiski Raksti Folia Geographica. Ģeogrāfija - vienota daudzveidībā. Rīga, Latvijas Ģeogrāfijas biedrība. XV sēj. 79-85 lpp. ISSN 1407-5229 |
Margarita Platace |
2015. |
Platace, M., Grickus, I. (2015.). Restaurant Service and How Best to Adress Waiters. Ineson, E.M., Smith M., Nita, V. (ed). International Case Studies for Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management Students and Trainees, Volume 6, Tehnopress, p.p. 3-4, ISBN: 978-606-687-190-7 |
Ēriks Lingebērziņš |
2015. |
Koluža, K., Lingebērziņš, Ē. (2015). Krievijas tūristu ceļošanas paradumi Latvijā. Proceedings of the XVI International Conference of Turiba University ‘Towards Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Europe: Challengies for Future Development’, Rīga, p.p. 148-166, EBSCO |
Aivars Kalniņš |
2015. |
Buka, E., Kalniņs, A. (2015). Latvijas tūristu mītnes - 20 gadu ceļš uz Eiropas kvalitāti un konkurētspēju. Proceedings of the XVI International Conference of Turiba University ‘Towards Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Europe: Challengies for Future Development’, Rīga, p.p. 62-72, EBSCO |
Karīna Jansone |
2015. |
Jansone, K. (2015). Sabiedrības līdzdalības ziņojumu kvalitātes izvērtējums Latgales plānošanas reģiona pašvaldībās. Proceedings of the XVI International Conference of Turiba University ‘Towards Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Europe: Challengies for Future Development’, Rīga, p.p. 116-130, EBSCO |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2015. |
Grizāne, T., Doniņa, A. (2015). Tourism, research and education. Acta Prosperitatis 2015, 6. Journal of Turiba University, Riga, p.p. 30-63, ISSN 1691-6077 |
Tamāra Grizāne |
2015. |
Grizāne, T., Bērziņa, I., Jurgelāne, I. (2015). The Tourism Service Consumption Model for the Sustainability of the Special Protection Areas. Journal Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier. Pp. 62-68. ISSN: 1877-0509. DOI:10.1016/j.procs.2014.12.009, SCOPUS |
Agita Doniņa |
2015. |
Doniņa, A. (2015). The role of tourism and hospitality companies in ensuring an effective internship process. The Journal of Education, Culture and Society. No1_2015. Wroclaw 2015, p.p.281-291, ISSN 2081-1640 |
Agita Doniņa |
2015. |
Grizāne, T., Doniņa, A., (2015). Tourism, Research and education. Acta Prosperitatis 2015, 6.Journal of Turiba University, Riga, p.p. 31-52, ISSN 1691-6077 |
Ģirts Burgmanis |
2015. |
Burgmanis, Ģ., Apsīte-Beriņa, E. (2015). Jauniešu ģeogrāfiskā mobilitāte: komunikācija un saikne ar Latviju. A.Lulle, E.Kļave (ed.) Radot iespējas attīstībai: Diasporas bērnu un jauniešu izglītība.Rīga: LU. 207-226 lpp. ISBN 078-9934-18-087-3 |
Ainārs Brencis |
2015. |
Brencis, A., Ķikuste, N. (2015). Brand Personality in Positioning of Latvian Cities. Proceedings of the XVI International Conference of Turiba University ‘Towards Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Europe: Challengies for Future Development’, Rīga, p.p.42-49; ISSN 1691-6069, EBSCO |
Maija Rozīte |
2014. |
Krišjāne, Z., Bērziņš, M., Apsite-Beriņa, E., Rozīte, M., Sechi, G. 2014. Exploring amenity migration towards Coastal Areas of Latvia: A case study of the Engure Coastal Area. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences. 68, (1-2): 38–45. doi: 10.2478/prolas-2014-0004 (SCOPUS) |
Maija Rozīte |
2014. |
Luka, I., Rozite, M., Niedritis, J. E. 2014. Learning Environment and Study Process as a Tool for Facilitating Leadership Development. The Teacher of the 21st century: Quality Education for Quality Teaching, 2014. (Ed: L.Daniela, I.Lūka, L.Rutka, I Žogla). Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 297-314. ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-5612-6. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data |
Maija Rozīte |
2014. |
Rozite, M., Klepers A. 2014. Out of the Soviet Union: the re-emergence of Rīga as a tourist capital. Tourism in national Capitals and Global Change (Ed: Maitland. R.). Routledge, Oxon: 58-70. ISBN-10: 1138850756; ISBN-13: 978-1138850750. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data |
Daina Vinklere |
2014. |
Vinklere, D. (2014). Tūrisma nozīme un ietekme iedzīvotāju vērtējumā: Engures ezera sateces baseina pašvaldību piemērs. Daugavpils Universitātes 56.starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums. Daugavpils Universitāte, 64-71.lpp. SBN 978-9984-14-702-4 |
Docētājs |
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Publikācija |
Ineta Lūka | 2022 | Luka Ineta, Pīgozne Tamāra, & Surikova Svetlana. (2022). Enhancing the Skill Sets for Increasing Youth Employability in Latvia. In Research Anthology on Vocational Education and Preparing Future Workers, Information Resources Management Association (red.), Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 255-281.lpp. ISBN13: 9781668456965, |
Valērija Drozdova | 2022 | Drozdova Valerija. (2022). Expression of Stance and Engagement in Spoken Academic Discourse in the Institutional Context. Speech and Context, International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science, ISSN:1857-4149, Volume 1(XIV)2022, 25-42.lpp. UDC 81`42 [EBSCO, ProQuest, DOAJ DB] |
Ieva Sproģe | 2021 | Sproge Ieva; Tūbele Sarmīte (2021). “Chalenges of Easy and Plain Language in Latvia. In: L. Daniela (ed.) Human Technologies and Quality of Education, 2021. p. 486-500. ISBN 978-9934-18-735-3, |
Valērija Drozdova | 2020 | Taulean, Micaela, Drozdova, Valerija. (2020). Media education and the "Dialogue of cultures" in the EFL classroom / Micaela Taulean, Valerija Drozdova // Relevanța și calitatea formării universitare: competențe pentru prezent și viitor: Materialele Conferinței științifice internaționale, consacrată celor 75 de ani de la fondarea universității bălțene, din 09 oct. 2020. – Bălţi, 2020. – Vol.1. – P. 179-186. – ISBN 978-9975-50-255-9. |
Ineta Lūka | 2020 | Luka Ineta, Pigozne Tamara, & Surikova Svetlana. (2020). Enhancing the Skill Sets for Increasing Youth Employability in Latvia. In U. Okolie (red.), Socio-Economic Perspectives on Vocational Skill Development: Emerging Research and Opportunities (pp.107-140). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. ISBN13: 9781522541455 doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-4145-5.ch005 [Library of Congress Cataloguing, British Cataloguing DB] |
Inese Ate |
2019. |
Inese Ate, Kristīne Liepiņa. (2019). Domu un jēdzienu karšu pielietošanas iespējas akadēmiskās rakstīšanas prasmju attīstīšanā. BAT XX starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences „Human values in the Digital Age” Rakstu krājums. 2019.gada 26.aprīlis. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 86.-94.lpp. [EBSCO, ProQuest DB] |
Viola Ēvele |
2019. |
Viola Ēvele, Anda Komarovska. (2019). Effective Professional Language Learning. Journal of Turiba University Acta Prosperitatis, 10, pp.7-22. ISSN 1691-6077 [EBSCO, ProQuest DB] |
Viola Ēvele |
2019. |
Viola Ēvele. (2019). Studiju procesa norise Biznesa augstskolā Turība. Sabiedrība un Kultūra. Rakstu krājums XXI. Liepāja: Liepājas Universitāte, 204.-2011.lpp. ISSN 1407-6918.21. Skatīt šeit. |
Līga Kļaviņa |
2019. |
Līga Kļaviņa. (2019). Latviešu valodas kā svešvalodas efektīva un inovatīva apguve augstskolā digitalizācijas laikmetā. BAT XX starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences „Human values in the Digital Age” Rakstu krājums. 2019.gada 26.aprīlis. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 68.-74.lpp. [EBSCO, ProQuest DB] |
Anda Komarovska |
2019. |
Viola Ēvele, Anda Komarovska. (2019). Effective Professional Language Learning. Journal of Turiba University Acta Prosperitatis, 10, pp.7-22. ISSN 1691-6077 [EBSCO, ProQuest DB] |
Kristīne Liepiņa |
2019. |
Inese Ate, Kristīne Liepiņa. (2019). Domu un jēdzienu karšu pielietošanas iespējas akadēmiskās rakstīšanas prasmju attīstīšanā. BAT XX starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences „Human values in the Digital Age” Rakstu krājums. 2019.gada 26.aprīlis. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 86.-94.lpp. [EBSCO, ProQuest DB] |
Ineta Lūka |
2019. |
Ineta Lūka, Agita Doniņa,Li Ping, George Ubbelohde, Wang Lingli. (2019). Chinese and Latvian Tertiary Tourism and Hospitality Education Graduates’ Professional Competence. Journal of Turiba University Acta Prosperitatis, 10, pp.61-86. ISSN 1691-6077 [EBSCO, ProQuest DB] |
Inese Ate |
2018. |
Kristīne Liepiņa, Inese Ate. (2018). Biznesa augstskolas Turība 1.kursa studentu akadēmiskās rakstīšanas grūtības, apgūstot profesionālo angļu valodu. 13.starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences "Valodu apguve: problēmas un perspektīva" Liepājas Universitāte, Rakstu krājums, XIII/XIV, pp.147-157. ISSN 1407-9739 |
Viola Ēvele |
2018. |
Viola Ēvele. (2018). Reflektantu motivācija studēt Biznesa augstskolā Turība. Sabiedrība un Kultūra. Rakstu krājums XX. Liepāja: Liepājas Universitāte, 214-222, ISSN 1407-6918. Pieejams: skatīt šeit. |
Anda Komarovska |
2018. |
Anda Komarovska, Ineta Luka. (2018). The Importance of Checking all Information On-line before a Journey. International Case Studies for Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management Students and Trainees. Vol.9. Elizabeth Ineson, Matthew Hong Tai Yap, Valentin Niţă (eds.). Iaşi: Editura TEHNOPRESS, pp.31-33. ISBN 978-606-687-351-2. |
Kristīne Liepiņa |
2018. |
Kristīne Liepiņa, Inese Ate. (2018). Biznesa augstskolas Turība 1.kursa studentu akadēmiskās rakstīšanas grūtības, apgūstot profesionālo angļu valodu. 13.starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences "Valodu apguve: problēmas un perspektīva" Liepājas Universitāte, Rakstu krājums, XIII/XIV, pp.147-157. ISSN 1407-9739 |